[@Hokum] And kinda sorta [@CmdrAlfieq] [b]As Ernest[/b] Before Ernest gets the message, he absorbs the situation. [quote] ATTEMPTING TO PINPOINT LOCATION. WARNING! ODDS OF PINPOINTING LOCATION SUCCESSFULLY ARE VERY LOW. [/quote] Ernest gives a message to the people on board. "People of the MASGC. We have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we have been dragged through some sort of wormhole and flung into an unknown part of space. The good news is that we are, as far as I can tell, safe. At least safe from Hany's Ribbon. Also, we are in this location wherever this location is." One of Ernest's pods starts pointing towards one of the windows to show the nebula they arrived at. At least it's pretty. Since the windows don't show much, Ernest opens up some images of what his sensors are picking up on some of the screens scattered about the hull. "Anyway, if any of you need anything, you can just tell me, and I will do my best to provide." A few minutes later when we gets the final, understandable transmission, Ernest responds: "Greetings unknown entity. I am The Ernest, a sentient spaceship made by a people I have forgotten. Despite what my heavy armements might suggest, I come without the intention of being hostile. I am carrying 100 humans who are in desperate need of a lasting supply of subsistence. I have food and water for them, I don't know how long it will last though. If you would be willing to help, that would be most helpful." [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Rodia and Siren[/b] [i] Alright, god. I may know as much about you as much as these idiots surrounding me do, but at this point I am convinced you exist. So whoever, or whatever, you are, thank you for helping these people.[/i] Siren snaps out of her random thanking of a god she knows nothing of. "Ok, so, we survived. That's good. We don't appear to be in a good situation, but we are alive." Siren walks back to what was formerly Ramrod's office and sits in his chair. This is the first time that she's actually sat down in her own office chair. Because of that, it's still set to Ramrod's height. Ramrod is much shorter than Siren. She must adjust the seat accordingly. Then Rorod Bursts in. Rorod: "So. Did you by chance notice the giant metal planet that's dragging us towards it? Siren: "Oh, you have got to be kidding me. This place doesn't get a second of peace." Siren sends messages to the giant space herself. Several identical ones in fact, each in a different method of messaging, just to make sure the message gets through. The message reads: "This is Siren, leader of Rodia. We've had a long day. We were attacked be a giant space bomb, started getting dragged along space by said bomb, then EXPLODED by said bomb. Then we were threatened by short-tempered humans while nearly getting rammed into by a Hany's Ribbon, a giant space string of death that destroys everything in touches. Then we got sent through a wormhole, and now we are being dragged by you guys. So you had better have a darn good reason to be dragging us across space." [hr] [b]As Ramrod[/b] Ramrod is a bit distressed by the events taking place. Not that you can blame him, any sane person would be a bit stressed by being carried by a drug-addict twice their height, then being tossed into a small spaceship while a sentient bush catches the local forest on fire. Ramrod runs up Hank. "Mraoh! Mra-oh mraoh!" (Hank! You are alive!) Ramrod then pulls the plants away from Hank while angrily mraohing "Mraoh mraoh, mraoh! Mraoh!" (Bad plants, bad! bad!) When Ramrod hears Rufus, he starts heading back out to help. "Mraoh mraoh! Mra-oh, mraoh mraoh!" (Sorry Hank! I need to go, I'll help you as soon as I can!) Lets home Ramrod's webs are fireproof.