LOL, my Ex was wiccan. She lied before we got married. In fact she waited almost 2 years to tell me AFTER we were married. Very unhealthy choice on her part. But I took it well enough and asked to attend some of her functions - mainly to understand her faith. None of the sacred events, just larger functions ... like Yule ... holidays. I have been in just about every kind of church you have heard of. Far as I was concerned ... any religion that didn't practice death and destruction to all civilization was fine by me. It's all about respect. Yeah, I see auras. (I have no clue what the colors mean.) I'm a precog and postcog. And I got banned from being anywhere near my friends playing board games like Monopoly as dice acted funny every time I came around. The best one was when my wife was adding hotels to Boardwalk ... and I asked who was playing the race car. The guy looked up and I winced and said "Sorry." He landed on Boardwalk the next roll. Anyways .. to answer, that's fine.