"Not to familiar with Battle Network version of Mega Man. I was always more into Mega Man X. I was [url=https://www.ajot.com/images/uploads/article/this-close-pinching-fingers.jpg]this close[/url] to getting the X Buster, some prick pulled a dirty trick at the last second. I heard about this old cartoon from some company out of Canada it was all about computer sprites fighting viruses. Can't find anything about it anywhere surprising considering pretty much everything has something in Sanctuary. Hell even the most hated Star Wars thing ever created, Star Wars Holiday Special is featured, of course with better graphics." Ekloria checked her messages. "There is a contest giving away Anti-Virals, unspecified how many. Survival of the fittest type thing. Only problem is the dude who created it took the movie Water World and mixed in pretty much every shark disaster movie ever. Top survivor[b]s[/b] get an Anti-Viral weapon. We could use Kaptaan's The Wicked Wench. Exact details on how to win are not provided. No clue how to find any of the keys yet so I think we should work on getting some more appropriate weapons. I vote we go with Battle Network over being eaten alive by sharks, even if it's not permanent I don't want to see the inside of a shark. If we go with Battle Network, Artorigus I think you should take point you are more familiar with it. We also need to find out how these Anti-Viral Upgrade Icons work. Robe said once every t. That could be every two hours, two days. No indication how long the effect lasts once applied, fingers crossed for permanent but not counting on it. Does it work on armor or just weapons? All Anti-Viral artifacts in the store have been weapons, so I am thinking they only work on weapons."