[@Crimmy][@Slime][@Abillioncats] [center]Vale-Civil War-[color=0072bc][b]Beryl Harken[/b][/color][/center] [color=0072bc]"Good morning Mr. Felica."[/color] Beryl said as cheerfully as ever. Well, as cheerfully as one could be at Too Early O'Clock in the morning. There may have been a bit of a yawn in there but nothing the young Huntress would admit to. The deck plating clanked satisfyingly beneath her feet as she clambered up the ramp, one hand hauling a large carry-on pack while the other covered her mouth. With a sigh she tossed the pack into one of the netted cargo compartments and began making sure it wouldn't go flying if their pilot decided an impromptu roller coaster ride was in order. The otter girl's movement were slow and half awake but there was a definite excitement to them. This was her second mission with her team here at Beacon. Might have been the first according to official records, there certainly hadn't been any credits awarded for their last weekend foray. Plus, Silver hadn't been around last time either. Beryl was looking forward to seeing him in action. Despite how much she was going to enjoy being on a mission with her team she couldn't help but feel nervous about this one. Civil unrest was never pleasant. To say nothing of the fact that it drew grimm like, well like grimm to a hoard of upset angry and scared people, Beryl knew just how ugly people could be all on their own. Situations like this had a history of getting very bad very quickly. With a relived exhale she flopped down into one of the well used seats. Turning slightly so she didn't squish or bend her tail painfully.