[h2][color=crimson]ABOUT ME:[/color][/h2] [list] [*] my name is paige. hi. [*] i am 22 & in school full-time with work part-time so i'll be online once a day [u]at best[/u]. please be patient; it may take a few days to a week to get back to you. [*] i prefer [u][color=deepskyblue]QUALITY OVER QUANITY[/color][/u]. i can write anywhere from 3 sentences to 10 paragraphs, depending on the context. dialogue-heavy scenes may only require a sentence or two response. i like to think of roleplaying as co-writing: think of a novel. in scenes where two characters are speaking, there are rarely pages of description between each line. it should flow naturally; it should not feel forced. basically, as long as you give me something to reply to, i'll be happy and i will try to do the same for you. [*] i play primarily [i][color=deepskyblue]female & nonbinary[/color][/i] characters. a list of available characters is in a spoiler below. however, i'm not bothered about whom you play! [*] this is tagged 18+ for [u][color=deepskyblue]ADULT CONTENT[/color][/u], including but not limited to: [i][color=deepskyblue]sex, violence, gore, language, horror[/color][/i]. i do not fade to black, but full explicit detail isn't always necessary (although it is acceptable and/or may be encouraged in some instances! tell me what you're comfortable with). [*] i'd also like to mention that sex ≠ romance (although romance may be encouraged). [*] i do use capitalization and grammar and no textspeak in roleplay, lol. i'm much more casual ooc. lmao. [/list] [h2][color=hotpink]ABOUT THE ROLEPLAY:[/color][/h2] [list] [*] genre: [color=indianred]apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic[/color] [*] i am interested in [u][color=deepskyblue]world-building[/color][/u]! [*] i don't have any specific plots in mind, but i am happy to brainstorm with you. [*] i want this to be a story we build together and i want it to be something we're both invested in. please share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, comments, critique! i want to hear what you have to say! i don't want to do all the heavy lifting. if your answer to everything is "idk" or "idc" or "either one is fine" or any other non-answers, i'm going to get bored very quickly. [*] i would prefer this to take place over [color=mediumpurple]discord[/color], but PMs are fine if you don't have one. [/list] [h3][color=limegreen]BELOW IS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION[/color][/h3] [hider=QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER ABOUT THE APOCALYPSE] [list] [*] [b][color=tomato]what is the Event? what caused this downfall? { NO ZOMBIES! }[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]natural disaster[/color] { devastating heatwave, hurricane/storm, rising waters, astroids, etc } [*] [color=yellow]economic collapse[/color] { Great Depression-esque x100, government collapse, anarchist overthrow, etc } [*] [color=yellow]post-war fallout[/color] { nuclear, genocide, biowarfare, etc } [*] [color=yellow]disease[/color] [*] [color=yellow]otherworldly[/color] { post alien invasion, etc } [*] [color=yellow]make a suggestion![/color] [/list] [*] [b][color=tomato]at what point does the story start?[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]at the very beginning of the Event?[/color] [*] [color=yellow]in the middle of the Event?[/color] [*] [color=yellow]just after the Event?[/color] [*] [color=yellow]many years/decades/centuries after the Event?[/color] [/list] [*] [b][color=tomato]how many survivors are there?[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]the Lonely Few[/color] { only a handful scattered throughout, e.g. Stephen King's [i]The Stand[/i] } [*] [color=yellow]the Last Ones Standing[/color] { only a handful condensed in one specific location or area, e.g. shelter/bunker/safehouse } [*] [color=yellow]the Final 25%[/color] { a moderate amount/a quarter/up to half of the population remains, e.g. Fallout } [*] [color=yellow]What Do We Do Now?[/color] { 50% or more of the population survived the Event but their way of living as been uprooted, e.g. similar to H. G. Wells [i]The War of the Worlds[/i] } [/list] [*] [b][color=tomato]what is civilization like?[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]mostly civilized[/color] { fortified towns/cities, a system of law & order, some form of government/hierarchy/authority } [*] [color=yellow]somewhat civilized[/color] { some organized settlements that have some semblance of law, but lots of Wasteland and/or anarchy } [*] [color=yellow]uncivilized[/color] { everyone out for the themselves, gangs/raiders, mostly limited to small groups of survivors with no real system of law in place } [/list] [*] [b][color=tomato]are there any "factions", cliques, groups, and/or notable figures? if so, how do they interact with each other and the general population?[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=tomato]what level of technology are the general population working with?[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]futuristic, cyberpunk[/color] { automation, androids, computers, advanced weaponry } [*] [color=yellow]modern[/color] { electricity, plentiful firearms, modern luxuries like microwaves and phone lines } [*] [color=yellow]limited modern[/color] { limited electricity to larger settlements, small firearms, reliant on generators and radios } [*] [color=yellow]back to the basics[/color] { bows, knives, reliant on fires to cook, long-distance communication is next to impossible, survival of the fittest } [*] [color=yellow]a mix of any of the above![/color] [/list] [*] [b][color=tomato]what setting does the story take place in?[/color][/b] [list] [*] [color=yellow]hyper-urban[/color] { new york city, philadelphia, los angeles, etc } - places with a current population of 1mil+ [*] [color=yellow]moderate urban[/color] { washington d.c., portland, boston, etc } - current population of 200k - 1mil [*] [color=yellow]semi-urban[/color] { santa fe, etc } - current population of 50k - 200k [*] [color=yellow]big town[/color] - current population of 15k - 50k [*] [color=yellow]small town[/color] - current population of 5k - 15k [*] [color=yellow]semi-rural[/color] - current population of 1k - 5k [*] [color=yellow]super rural[/color] - nearest neighbor is a mile away, farmland, etc [/list] [/list] [/hider] [hider=MY CHARACTERS] [b][color=dodgerblue]AVERY KIM[/color][/b] [indent][u]age:[/u] 21 years old [u]gender:[/u] female [u]race:[/u] korean-european mixed [u]physical:[/u] 5'1, lean & athletic, wide hips [u]tattoos:[/u] dragon wings on her back, colorful space mural on calf, barbed wire around thigh [u]piercings:[/u] both ears abundantly [u]scars:[/u] nicks all over her body, one large impalement scar on lower abdomen [u]skills:[/u] hacker, martial artist, professional criminal [u]personality:[/u] narcissistic, doesn't take 'no' for an answer, paranoid, flirty/overtly sexual, sarcastic, tends to ramble, highkey party animal, secretly generous[/indent] [hr] [b][color=steelblue]ADRIAN MALLORY[/color][/b] [indent][u]age:[/u] 26 years old [u]gender:[/u] androgynous (bio male) [u]race:[/u] caucasian [u]physical:[/u] 5'11, lanky, skinny [u]tattoos:[/u] black & white korean dragon on their forearm, colorful garden of flowers across half their chest [u]piercings:[/u] stretched ear lobes [u]scars:[/u] none [u]skills:[/u] hacker, photojournalist, tracker, canonically Avery's partner in crime (but she doesn't have to be in the roleplay if i use Adrian) [u]personality:[/u] reserved, highkey punk, lowkey party animal (won't say no to drugs, sex, or alcohol, but doesn't advertise that about themselves), cautious, patient[/indent] [hr] [b][color=firebrick]ARYA AHMED[/color][/b] [indent][u]age:[/u] 25 years old [u]gender:[/u] female [u]race:[/u] middle eastern-african-haitian-european mixed [u]physical:[/u] 5'3, chubby, curvy, thick, wide hips, thick thighs, tummy pouch [u]tattoos:[/u] full sleeve of skulls & flowers on right arm, three stripes on upper left arm, stars on hips [u]piercings:[/u] nostril, both ears [u]scars:[/u] none [u]skills:[/u] engineer [u]personality:[/u] highkey grunge/punk, rude, low patience, cold to outsiders, not afraid of a fight[/indent] [/hider] [b]PM me if you are interested![/b]