Makoto followed the other as he made his way back to the group, not all convinced by the others assurances. He stood by the other, bordering on uncomfortably close to keep a better eye on Rush-san. His eyes narrowing slightly when he saw the dark haired teen begin to subconsciously self-harm. Without thinking much about it Makoto’s hand shot out and caught the culprit; forcing Rush-sans hand to the teen’s side. He kept his eyes trained in front of him as he did this, not wanting to see any form of negative reaction his intervening could cause. He sent side glances from time to time though, making sure that the other didn’t start up again. At this point, while the last student walked up to the statues, Makoto was on high alert. At this point half of the students had had meltdowns of some degree while showing off their quirks, one of them Makoto mostly blamed himself for. Makoto nurturing instincts were already in high gear; no one else will feel upset for the rest of the day, for the rest of the school year if Makoto had anything to say about it. It just wasn’t in his nature to let these kinds of things go lying down. He kept his face light though, laughing at his teacher Luke-san’s deception, what an interesting quirk! It certainly seemed to fit the young boy, though Makoto did wonder what the real Viper-san was like as the Zach-san went off to wake her. He kept his eye on the last student at all times though, still smiling softly but at this point prepared to set off pheromones if needed to calm everyone down. Luckily though, Akamine-san seemed emotionally stable enough to perform the task given; lashing out in a violent but still controlled manner against the statues that was somewhat mesmerizing to watch, if not a bit unnerving. The way the others emotions went from impassivity to blood lust back to impassivity made Makoto’s stomach go for a loop. He still managed to clap though, as Akamine-san made his way back to the back of the pack.