Here we go, let me know if I need to change anything at all. [s]Also I'm not sure how to make my post look all cool with the button to open it up to be longer or whatever.[/s] -- Thanks [@Tim] [hider=Affliction] [b]Superhero/villain Name:[/b] Affliction [b]Civilian Name:[/b] Nina Vo [b]Origin city/Planet:[/b]Earth [b]Hometown:[/b] Star City [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Half vietnamese, half caucasian [b]Height:[/b] 5’ 9” [b]Weight:[/b] 125lbs. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Birth Date:[/b] 2006 -------- [b]Costumed Appearance:[/b] (I'll have a picture at some point) She wears white bandages over her face to protect her identity with only her eyes and mouth revealed. The bandages continue down her neck, till they disappear underneath a well worn leather jacket with the sleeves scrunched up above her elbows. More bandages cover her arms and hands. She wears distressed, stone wash jeans held up by a plain black belt, and some black leather combat boots with silver studs covering the heels and toes. She’ll usually have a lit cigarette in her mouth. [b]Civilian Appearance:[/b] Her head is shaved, very close to the scalp, and she has a tattoo of a tiny dove behind her ear. She has dark angled eyes that squint when she smiles, and shiny white teeth that are just a little crooked. Her face is oval shaped and her complexion is olive toned. She’s very tall, and lithe, apart from her hands and feet, which are a little larger than look proportionate. During the day she’ll wear nicer skinny jeans, a patterned sweater, and dangly earrings. [b]Icon:[/b] Not much of an icon, but she’ll put her cigarette out on the skin of the villains she’s felled. [b]Costumed Personality:[/b] She has a very dark, heavy aura around her, you can almost feel her coming. She believes her work to be somewhat of a reckoning from the universe. Those who cause pain, deserve pain. She preaches a message of karmatic vengeance of which she is the harbinger. She has no patience and shows no mercy to those she views unworthy, and leaves her foes writhing in pain. [b]Civilian Personality:[/b] Very friendly, patient, and kind. She’s the type of person you would want to talk to when you just need to feel better about something, and somehow she always seems to help. She’s a very passionate person, deeply empathetic, and fiercely protective of the people she cares about. [b]Super abilities: Skills:[/b] Competent in hand to hand combat Decent shot with a pistol [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Pain transferral; [/i]She is able to transfer the pain of one living being into another through physical touch, be that emotional, physical, or mental pain.This does not heal or inflict actual wounds, only the sensation of pain. Pain is able to be stored up inside her, and released into another person at a later time. [i]Superhuman pain tolerance;[/i] She can withstand superhuman levels of pain before it begins to affect her performance. She cannot, however, withstand the actual damage a superhuman would be able to. While the pain of a building crumbling atop her would not slow her down, a building actually crumbling atop her would definitely kill her. [i]Minor psychic sense;[/i] She can sense the pain in a person, and the nature of their affliction. (Hehe) [b]-Gadgets:[/b] Her cell phone with a police scanner app, if that counts. [b]-Weapons:[/b] She carries a gun in her belt and some knives in her boots. [b]Civilian Occupation:[/b] She works as a receptionist at a holistic healing center. [b]Biography---------[/b] [b]Character History/Origin:[/b] She was born into a middle class family as a second generation mixed race immigrant. She was Vietnamese on her father’s side, whose family fled to America during the war when her father was still a young child. She grew up very close to her father’s side of the family, and deeply connected to her roots in Vietnam. When she was 18 her family took a trip back to Vietnam. They stayed with her father's cousin, who he had been particularly close to during childhood, in the city of Saigon. There she began to fully understand the catastrophic events of the Vietnam war, over 50 years past, that still affected both the countryside, and the country itself. A rage began to build inside her heart. A hunger for vengeance felt hot and painful in her blood, it was as if she could feel the pain of the earth itself rise up in her. One night, still in Vietnam, she snuck out her uncle's house, and walked to the market streets she’d seen earlier that day. She didn’t speak much Vietnamese, she didn’t know exactly what he said, but she knew he had a gun, and she knew he had it aimed at her. She heard a gunshot, and suddenly she felt white and hot. She was laying on the ground, someone was taking things out of her pockets. She reached out for his hand. All she could think was that she didn’t want to feel this way anymore. And then, as if the feeling was sucked out of her through her fingers, she didn’t. She felt fine. She could stand again. In a panic, she grabbed her wallet and the gun from the man, who was now on the ground, like they had traded places, and ran back home. She realized once she’d made it through the door she was bleeding, badly, and passed out a second later. She woke up in the hospital. After she’d recovered from her wounds curiosity led her out into the streets night after night, and slowly she began to discover the exact nature of her abilities. At first she’d have to take a few punches before she could transfer the pain back into the person, but she realized it was much easier to collect pain from normal people throughout the day. Everywhere she looked there were hurting people. Headaches, old sports injuries, assault survivors, heartbreak, everyone she touched had something that hurt them, and she took it away. She made them better, or at least, made them feel better. This meant she would be carrying the pain with her until she could release it into someone who deserved it. By the end of the day, she was a bit of a bitch. But it was worth it to her. It made her blood boil a little less. It made her feel like there was justice in the universe, there could be balance, and she could be the person to bring both of those things. Her pain tolerance began to grow and grow to accommodate more and more people each day. And she learned how to hold her own in a fight. While the sensation of pain didn’t affect her body, broken ribs and black eyes still took their toll. She got quicker, and smarter, and learned to work harder. She took the name Affliction two years ago. [/hider]