Zack tried to ignore the current conversation and went to select a weapon. While perhaps he couldn't return to his world living, he could at least help Cloud. Tifa seemed quite angry when she brought him up so something must of happened and if he could reverse whatever happened then he might be able to at least save one friend. He examined the selection of weapons carefully, primarily the swords. While he was accustomed with different blades, he looked for something of similar size and weight of the Buster Sword. He eventually found something that came close to the Buster Sword. The sword was entirely black from the hilt to the square top of the blade. It looked more like a slab of metal then sword yet it was what called to Zack. He'd have to get use to the blade being balanced differently but wielding it and throwing it around through a few test swings did confirm it being similar weight to his previous weapon. He put it on his back, the blade connecting to the large magnet to keep it their until it was needed. [url=]Zack's Chosen Blade[/url]