Hello there! I go by Shug and recently I decided to get back in to writing. What better place to come back to then the site that I wrote some of my best work in when I was about 17 and then I stopped when I was 19 due to life. But! I'm excited to get back in to it and hopefully meet some creative souls and make some beautiful work. I will leave my interests in a hider so that way people can take a look! Hope to hear from some of you soon. <3 [hider=Interest Check] Hi, I go by Shug. I am 22, PNW native and currently a beauty school student. I've had the passion for writing since I was a little girl and have always seemed to fall back in to after real life gets hectic for a while. I am now at a point where I would love to nose dive back in to some good stories and meeting some creative people. I am very flexible, even with school I am able to be committed to a story and communicate back and forth with my partners. I will only roleplay with 18+ due to my preferences with content that I write. I'm very friendly so feel free to say hello or shoot me any messages if you're interested in writing with me. ^^ My interests: (Favorites: *) Romance* Drama* Action* Adventure* Slice of Life Fantasy Magic* College Life Quest Futuristic* Modern Fantasy* Horror Love/hate relationships* Mystery* Circus life Survival Spies Comic Preferences: - I can write from 2 to 10 paragraphs - I like violence, and don’t mind gore to a extent - I enjoy romance, but my pet peeve is when it is rushed. - I can play up to multiple characters but don’t mind a classic 1x1 - I enjoy letting stories progress through story development instead of plot-planning - I am pretty flexible in to trying different role plays. - I prefer mature and open content. - Please communicate if you're going to be absent for long periods of time - I do, do FxF, MxM and FxM Any of them are fine. (I prefer female when in FxM) - Character developement is a plus. Please feel free to PM me if you have any interests. :D [/hider]