[@Aleranicus] I finally finished my sheet. I hope it's all acceptable. [hider=Hester] [b]Name:[/b] Hester Karela [b]Race:[/b] Human (Roamer/Roma) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Homosexual [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/ed28/f/2011/223/f/5/princess_telugu_by_ensumas-d466000.jpg[/img] (She has brown hair and green eyes, and possesses a tanned complexion. She stands at a height of 163cm (5’4”) and is of a thin and wiry build.) [b]Weapons:[/b] Hester has no great and storied weaponry, only possessing a simple steel dagger and a brace of throwing knives at any given time. Hester prefers to rely on her wiles to get her through encounters rather than rushing into the fray swinging steel. [b]Shaping:[/b] Hester is a Light Shaper. Her primary use of her talents is grounded in parlor tricks and illusions for the benefit of her troupe’s performances, though she knows a handful of more directly offensive spells for when she needs some. A concentrated beam of light to the eyes makes for a perfect opportunity to escape, as far as Hester is concerned. [b]Companions:[/b] As a member of “Troupe Vardo”, Hester has numerous companions among its membership as it is a close knit group. Despite feeling as though every member of the troupe could be described as family, Hester no longer has any direct family among its members. [b]Since the War:[/b] “Troupe Vardo” travels the lands of Aldis as entertainers and odd-jobsmen. Hester in particular tells stories and jokes and puts on other displays using her Light Shaping as an aid. She was trained to do so since long before the war, and has continued to do so afterwards. As Troupe Vardo is not especially wealthy, its members are often called upon to do whatever they can to raise cash when the need arises, and as such Hester has much experience doing various acts of manual labour as much as she has experience as the troupe’s storyteller. Naturally, there is much work to be done with the troupe’s caravan, and Hester is not spared from all the tedious tasks involved in preparing to move from one location to another. [b]Audition:[/b] [b]“Pentin?”[/b] A young man raised his hand in response to being called. [b]“Agnes?”[/b] An older woman responded in kind. [b]“Janos?”[/b] No response came this time. Hester, along with the other young ones, was meant to be going over the art of card reading with Margeret right now, but she couldn’t focus on it while the elders took stock of their people. They had been running from the monsters for so long now, and Hester was curious as to what they were going to do next. From what she could tell, uncle Janos was not with them. [b]“He must have fallen behind…”[/b] Elder Erek said, though his voice was hard to hear over the others. [b]“Where? Does anyone remember where they saw him last?”[/b] Her father, Regis, asked franticly. [b]“I think I saw him back at the crossroads.”[/b] Someone called out. [b]“Then I’m going to the crossroads.”[/b] Regis stated plainly. He collected his sword from the ground before mother stopped him. [b]“What do you think you’re doing? You can’t just go out there alone!”[/b] She told him, spreading her arms out to block his path. [b]“It’s my brother, Heather.”[/b] He replied emphatically. [b]“I can’t just leave him out there to die. Besides, all I have to do is get out there and grab him. I’m the fastest blade in the troupe, right? Nothing to it.”[/b] Her father was always so brave. [b]“Damn you.”[/b] Heather said through clenched teeth. [b]“Fine. Then I’m going too.”[/b] [b]“There’s no need for that. This is my burden.”[/b] [b]“And you are [i]my[/i] burden. To the end of time.”[/b] It sounded so harsh to Hester at the time, but she came to understand the meaning behind those words eventually. [b]“We should at least say goodbye to her before we leave.”[/b] She said as they both turned their gaze to Hester. Noticing, she tried to look back to Margeret, thinking she had been caught in the wrong. Her parents soon came over and crouched down to speak to her. [b]“Hester.”[/b] Her mother began. [b]“We’re just going to go fetch uncle Janos real quick, all right? We’ll not be gone long.”[/b] [b]“All right.”[/b] Hester mumbled. All the moving in the last few hours had sapped the energy from her. [b]“Don’t worry about a thing.”[/b] Her father assured her. [b]“Everything’s going to be okay. We love you.”[/b] Her mother parroted his words before the two of them headed off into the night. As Margeret’s lectures continued, Hester did not fret, as she was sure her parents were coming back. Nobody told lies to each other in Troupe Vardo. They had told her themselves. She paid no mind as screams erupted from the walls, and as the shouting and clamour came closer and closer to their camp, as she knew her parents were coming back. When Elder Erek told them they had to leave, Hester asked after her parents. He assured her that they knew they were moving and that they would catch up in time. Hester was still certain that her parents were coming back. Even when they had moved so far from their last camp site to a place teeming with strangers, Hester did not think for a second that her parents would not return. It would take her until the siege was well and truly over to fathom that they were well and truly not returning. She had thought that once the chaos died down, they would easily find their way to them with uncle Janos in tow. That illusion was shattered when they came across uncle Janos’ corpse among the dead. They would never find her parents’ bodies, but with her naïve fantasy of a happy ending obliterated, she slowly came to the realisation that there was little chance they would return. [/hider]