You two can meet now, gwyn really looks too clean to be in a place like this. She should notice that cicero has a a gash on his helmet, olberion is nowhere to be seen. If she is quick enough she might spot the sickly fellow cicero is talking to. Make up your surroundings of you have to, interact with the environment! Take some time to mingle before the fights start in about 3 hours as it will be about 10.30am now, I'll pm each of you some stuff later or tomorrow. How's everything thus far? [@Cyrania] [@Spiffy] Also, to anyone else who might be looking at this, we're just starting despite all the posts. There is intention to meet new characters from across the lands and travelling to be done, no cause to be worried about the speed of our last posts, it's just me rushing to get introductions out of the way!