Rejection is possible, I would let them decide how their wound heals rather than decide it for them. Try writing details on how the spell is cast rather than what it accomplished (healing by what means?), giving them choice to react to it. [hider=My Hider] There may be npcs or even pcs who reject her type of healing and if she is unwise, she may even cause harm (one example out of many is that imagine healing an arrow wound while there is still shards of wood in it). I think a fair way to gauge magic potential reserves, is to think along the lines of: It takes the same amount of effort doing something by hand. It's just that spells allow exerting more than just physical effort, the practitioner may apply materials or mental effort - just like a smith can bend metal with his hands, or choose to use a hammer and think about which side to strike the iron. Thus, it may explain why there are still those who aren't magicians. Many things can take less effort by practical methods than sorcerous methods. We can be creative here. [/hider]