[center] [color=2e3192] [h1]Lady Trieu[/h1] [h3]Eastern Farms - The Charge [/h3] [@Reflection] [@sageage] [/color] [/center] He was fast. Her smile turned wider and she beared down, knowing the first strike was imminent. her eyes blazed with the fire of battle yet again. As he dodged around Nanyue she knew it was too late to smash him with Nanyue and get him to the ground. As he dodged around Nanyue swung his body, attempting to hit Roland with the force of his body as she reached out to slash at him with her First Sword. As she glanced down at the knight slashing through her mount, she saw him and yet again, knew this fight was the one she had been waiting for. Nanyue trumpetted out a pained noise, a loud cry from the elephant as it stumbled and hit the ground, a large cloud of dust rising around them as Trieu got back into position. [color=2e3192]"Nanyue, rise. We aren't over yet, fight through the pain my companion, you will charge again yes?"[/color] He began to rise back onto his legs. [color=2e3192]"Impressive! But not enough!"[/color] With that Nanyue trumpetted and he began to charge yet again. Trieu smiled wide, her anegllic glow shining around her and Nanyue, the blood from his gash not gushing as much due to her glow. He charged, knowing Roland wouldn't resist another go, but as they reached Roland, she swung his direction suddenly. The unwounded side of the elephant facing Roland as she swung his side to almost crash into him, suddenly slashing out with both swords, adjusting her position and leaning off to slice at the knight before returning to her perch upon Nanyue. [centre][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6364/5de11b8e9aed9ab59702d72027f17c3cf0bb2f97_hq.jpg[/img] [h1] Natsuo Karakami [/h1] Pellion's Pub [@Cu Chulainn] [@Paradox Witch] [/centre] Natsuo was out of his depth. That masked asshole didn't warn him about any of this messed up stuff. He didn't have many more orders that he could remember, rubbing his eyes as he could feel his senses numbing more and more. This simple man was already losing his inhibitions and blinked at the portly fellow and the sharp dressed man. Now what did the masked man say was happening.. ]"S'all good! I'll wait for the guy y'know?" he began to laugh for some reason, the drunk man really not knowing what to do in this situation. Then he remembered. "I uh, we can;t really end the world, hey I'd die too! The guy said he uh, there was a problem at the church? Some guy with the power of uh...Thor? Mars? WAIT NO!" He smacked his forehead. "It's Zeus! There's some guy calling himself Zeus!" [centre][h1][color=a187be]Gustav[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][h2]The Academy[/h2][/centre] The weasel was under control entirely. Ludwig couldn't sense anything that was going on so Gustav was on his own, all the information Ludwig had entrusted the weasel with was now vulnerable and up for grabs. However, luckily the weasel was cunning, smart and knew how to get himself out of scraps. [color=a187be]"Ah! Well at first there was understanding and the allies were going to be permanent! However my friend! All of his allies have become erratic and my master no longer feels safe in their company! With the oncoming attack from the angry wizards he has begun to fear without proper connections and aid from someone like yourself, he will not be able to even survive this war."[/color] The weasel chirped happily before going back to negotiations. [color=a187be]"This vial here! One drop into someones mouth, mix it in their drinks, drop it on their food. This fine concoction can allow the victim of the potion to experience their greatest fears! They will see what they believe to be a very real hallucination, their greatest fear become material! This will allow the victim to become much more compliant and easy to control! If this ware does not interest you, we have others that are quite...the gruesome sorts. Vant a potion that can mutate small creatures and make them stronger? We have it my friend!"[/color]