[quote=@Lord Wraith] With a little over a month to go to the end of Season 1, how do you all feel about your Character's development and progress at this point? Are you accomplishing the story you've wanted to tell? Did you hope to be further along? What are some of the things you're looking forward to for next season that you didn't get to accomplish this season? [/quote] I think like a lot of people I was shocked at the three month thing, but it's pure genius Bruce. Keeps things fresh, well done. So I introduced aspects, or started aspects that maybe I necessarily wouldn't have went with. My initial plan was to sprinkle in the Rogues getting busted one by one with Reverse Flash re-appearing more often to fuck with Iris, and in hindsight I would have went straight from Reverse Flash to introducing Jay Garrick as he's very important in what's going to happen in the next month or so. In terms of Iris' own development, I think it's been going alright. I really wanted to drive home the fear and uncertainty that she was having over whether or not this speed was meant for her after everything that Reverse Flash said. My regret is I haven't had Iris interact with more of her supporting cast, and to get where I want to be in the big finalé (which is starting after my bout with Henry) I feel like I've had to rush things, though I hope you have all (all of you that are up to date on my posts that is) enjoyed the journey Iris has taken. Next season. I'm looking forward to the Rogues, after facing the Surfer, Hydro-Man, Mota (Who'll re-appear down the road) and now Sandman I'm looking forward to having Iris face a credible threat of a group of people without powers when they manage to work together. Also exploring something that's going to come out at the end of this season and how it changes things going forward. Plus Iris' new suit. Courtesy of [@Master Bruce]. Which will debut at the start of the next season.