[center][@Dartbored Fairy][@Hokum][/center] Dino Gavon is in store for more than he bargained for. The best laid plans come to nothing. When the Admiral appears on the far side of the passage, out of view of those he left behind, he is down on one knee, perhaps aiming to assault Mili’s abductor, or perhaps overpower him and through a well devised plan of interception retrieve the young, helpless girl. But nothing is so fluid. As Dino Gavon appears in his arrogantly positioned stance, he is not yet aware of the person standing behind him. This man’s name is Cain. Cain is an old man by any standards. He has with him a staff. With this staff he instantly strikes the Admiral's shoulder. At the exact same time the rock on which Mili slumps transforms into that of a human form, Dnias. As Dnias rises, Milly, who was always Milly, drops to the floor of the passage as any unconscious person would. Presuming that Dino looks over his shoulder to view the old man behind him, he would not see Dnias rise as Mili falls to the ground. “Mine.” A familiar word that Dino would remember receiving from the alien vessel before arriving on the planet, now repeated from Cain’s own mouth. As Cain speaks this word, given that Dino is taken by surprise and the dreaded mark of Cain, Cain will tap the end of his cane a second time, this time hard against the ground on which Dino is positioned. The ground beneath Dino falls away like that of an ashen floor. If Dino is not quick as a bird in flight, he will thereby sink fast into the ground. As this happens, Cain looks upon Dnias and speaks these following words to Dnias: “Return what is mine.” Before Cain has finished speaking, Dnias expounds a cry of frustration. This clearly inhuman noise, like that of a tortured goat, is loud enough to be heard by the three people in wait on the opposite side of the stone barrier. As Dnias shrieks, his Vector Pathol on his arm illuminates and Dnias is gone. In the wake of Dnias’s absence, Cain grits his ancient teeth while stepping over the hole that Dino Gavon has supposedly found himself fallen into. The old man shuffles quickly and picks up the unconscious Mili, taking her under one arm like nothing more than a sack of grain. With his other hand, he uses his cane to strike at the barrier of stone. The stone instantaneously turns to dust, opening the way for those on the other side. Cain carries the child to Pirila and drops her at her feet. The child is still unconscious. Hida, Cas and Pirila will no doubt feel the sensation of mortal dread given off by Cain in his presence. The mark of Cain, given to him by God many years ago, is an inevitable sensation to feel in his company. Regardless of Cas’s reaction, Cain does not subdue. After depositing the girl, Cain continues down the passage in direction of which the group of four had come, and vanishes into the darkness. Dnias and Cain have now gone. The alien vessel in orbit of this planet departs a few minutes later.