[@Kuchenlein] ETA to Ironeagle Attack 10 hours "Scouts have reported armor columns numbering in thousands, supported by cavalry, artillery, infantry, mechs and airships of all type. We are currently harrassing them with our high-altitude bombardment on their ground forces. Not much casualties but it provides more of a shock effect. Within 3 hours, their forces will be in range of our heavy-long ranged artillery. With that we should be able to do some damage to their ground forces." Volcron said A new message arrived. "Oh... dear... looks like they are arriving faster than we thought.. they will arrive not in 10.. but 6 hours... already in range of our artillery guns..." Volcron continued. Outside large booms from artilleries could be already heard, firing in large volleys over a HUUUGGEEE distance. "Commencing bombardment... shells arriving within 30 minutes..." the voice continued. Volcron started calculating..."IF our artillery can fire a shell every 50 seconds... within 30 minutes there will already be 36 shells in the air.. giving us an element of surprise..." (At the Front) 10;00 at night on Rockgarde when suddenly explosions were heard. Bombs were blowing up in both Pherithian and Harkyuian bases. Immediately Volcron radars detected about 400 fighter bombers directly above the bases, carpeting bombing from a high altitude with micro-nukes, nukes that cause an explosion about the size of a small one story house. Searchlights immediately flared up, revealing huge amounts of heavy bombers and the Volcron started a huge storm of flak loose into the dark skies.