There was too much going on for her to care about. The orc spoke- she cared not what the beast said, it was all nonsense, and then she reached for the glass of water. It tasted filthy, but that was what she got she supposed. Filthy. Filllllttthhhhy. What else was filthy? Herself, yes that was true, her mind defiled and ruined, spinning around in an incomprehensible prison of its own making. She slammed the glass back down on the table so hard that vines of shattered glass crept up along it, and she squeezed down, the glass now actively groaning as it tried to stop itself crunching into a fistful of shards. Luckily, she was distracted as the priest was dragged out. Much like the orc, she found this to be quite disturbing, and left the almost-destroyed glass to do whatever glasses did after surviving a near-death experience, and pounded out of the room. Her fingers clenched around the handle of her axe, she needed to enter the fray. [i]Desperately[/i] wanted to enter the fray. Something spoke to her, in her mind, that she needed to do what she had been designed for. She was a weapon, like her axe, and she had to be used. Growling a little, she saw the dragon, holding the priest in her hand. Tensing, she raised the axe up. There were no gods to ask for assistance before she attacked. No men that would see her glory, she supposed. She took a few steps forward, about to bring her axe down into the creature's hide, at least until that GODSBEDAMNED orc got in the way once more, and she found herself trapped behind a wall of ruddy green skin, the fury within her howling like a wolf chained. [b]"ENOUGH! FRIENDSHIP IS NOT MAGIC!"[/b] She pointed the end of her axe at the orc, and then towards the dragon. If she had been thinking straight, she would never have even considered this as a course of action, but she hadn't been sane. Not for a long time. [b]"YOU! LIZARD! UNHAND THAT MAN OF THE FAITH BEFORE I TAKE IT AS A TROPHY!"[/b]