[quote=@AndyC]Actual photo of MB: [img]https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/databank_tarkin_01_169_97d0a95c.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1560%2C878&width=768[/img] [/quote] Peter Cushing is my spirit animal. Who else can claim to have destroyed an entire planet, pulled rank on Darth Vader at the height of his choking phase, created Frankenstein's monster multiple times, fought Dracula throughout centuries and through his own reincarnated bloodline, and battled The Mummy long before Brendan Fraser or Tom Cruise were even sperm in their fathers' balls? Motherfucking Peter Cushing can. [quote=@Lord Wraith] We also walk around... [i]unarmed[/i]. [/quote] [sub]So does the rest of the civilized world and it makes absolutely no sense why we're the only holdouts.[/sub] Uuuh, I mean, how dare you question the US of A! 'Murrica!