[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][hr] Cyril wasted no time once they got to the galley, looking through what they had and seeing if there was the stuff to make a fluffernutter. The man was like a kid in a candy store. As Bridgette spoke to him he stopped and grinned. [color=fff79a]"The Captain? Oh! Pretty lady!"[/color] he said slightly confused at first and then a very happy expression came to his lips. He nodded and went back to looking. [color=fff79a]"I thhould make the pretty lady lunch, thhe let me have my own room,"[/color] he said innocently before a look of disappointment came over his features. [color=fff79a]"They don't have any fluffernutter."[/color] He was heart broken. That was until Jericho spoke up. [color=fff79a][i]"Asshat, your trunk."[/i][/color] Jericho said as his button eyes stared coldly towards Cyril. Jahosafat grinned broadly. [color=gray]"Well then my good man we should go hence forth and fetch you some tasty tidbits to level out that blood sugar level post haste. It wouldn't do well for me to have to waste an injection of glucose on you when all you need is a little something in the belly box. Let us head to the galley shall we?"[/color] he said as he covered Atticus' body and motioned towards the door as he retrieved his coat and slipped it on. The man had to look his best at all times in public. [color=fff79a]"Oh right!"[/color] Cyril exclaimed before leaping over the counter and barreling his way like a kid playing tag as he raced out of the galley. [color=fff79a]"Be right back!"[/color] he yelled as he rushed to find his trunk and get his beloved flutternutter. [color=fff79a]"Fluffernutter! Fluffernutter! Fluffernutter! Fluffernutter!"[/color] he yelled as he came to a sliding hault in front of his trunk on the lower level in the cargo area by the stairs. There was no way in hell anyone on the ship that wasn't behind a closed door didn't hear that shit. Jahosafat surely did as he stepped out of Medical and quirked a brow. [color=gray]"I dare say, some one has the right notion. A bit plebeian for my tastes but a flutternutter would filly your gullet right quick."[/color] Stepping down the hallway Jahosafat rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks as he witnessed the monster of a man pick up his trunk with one hand, open it with a sock covered other and start rummaging through it. [color=gray]"Jumpin' Me! I do believe we are being invaded by a viking god of old, tell me, good sir. would your name happen to be Thor?"[/color] he asked as he stepped forward and looked over the man. Cyril grasped the jars peanutbutter and marshmallow fluff before looking over towards Jahosafat. [color=fff79a]"Oh don' be thilly. I'm Cryil."[/color] Dropping the trunk with a thud, Jericho was finally free to speak. [color=fff79a][i]"Oh my lucky stars, a negro."[/i][/color] For once in his life, Jahosafat was rendered speechless. It was probably best that since Anisa was in her office and couldn't hear any of this going down. [color=f26522]"Yes, we're good. I'll go find Harper and have him take care of your clearance levels,"[/color] she said as she stood up and snuffed out her cigarette. Blowing the smoke away from Mei and waving her hand a bit to clear the air before straightening her belt and checking her guns. It wasn't like she ever took them off while on captaining duty but right now there were far too many people she didn't know, it was best to double check. Stepping over to the door, it slid open and she stepped out, glancing around. [color=f26522]"Harper!"[/color] she bellowed from her quarters/office. Turning she made a quick check of the bridge. He wasn't supposed to be in there right now but since she was two steps from it, it was best to check it before she moved towards the rest of the ship. Next stop was the galley. [color=f26522]"Harper! Where's yer ass at?"[/color]