Hey, everyone! I am Midori, nice to meet you all! I am on my late twenties. They promised me that there were gifting cookies in the dark side. So, here I am. Anyway, I like role-playing. That's the only reason I am here: to roleplay and have some fun. Anyway, few things about me. I have been roleplaying for a few years here and there. I am a semi-literate. I write in 3rd person, length: more than one paragraph.Short term is fine, but my heart lays with long term Rps. My main characters are females and human. Yes females and straight. Yet, surely i can play side characters that are females or males. I like always a doze of romance in most plots. Well, lately I have a lot of free time. I post frequently. I like to read, eat cookies and run. For the time being i am editing my profile and making my request threat. Next I will browse around the forum. I read the rules. I am not sure i have anything else to say. The rest feel free to ask.