Orky was right in the in the middle of everything. Orky was a bit overwhelmed to say the least, the Holy Woman was yelling at him for getting in the way and the Pissed Off Guy was pointing his sword at him. Orky isn't very smart, he doesn't go in any place with a plan. Orky just does what he feels is right. That's why he even put himself in this situation, is because he felt fate was telling him that he had to stop this. But in this midst of the violence, he had remembered his mother. He remembered how the villagers came to the house angry at them because they believe that the Gods didnt like how there was an Orc living there. Tears started to swell from his eyes, even admist all the noise the sound of the tears hitting the ground outmatched them all. Orky grabbed the Holy Woman's axe and the Pissed Off One's sword, when he had grabbed the sword the edge had dug into his flesh a bit making him bleed. He then proceed to snatch them out of their hands and throw them to the ground. Orky then proceed to talk, still with tears come down his face, "Can't see violence solves nothing!? I know dragons are suppose to be bad and stuff but cant you see he is just frustrated at the world. Just because someone gets angry and goes on a little fit, doesn't mean you should kill him over it!" Orky then takes a moment to calm himself and to clean his face up a bit. "I don't know much but I know when I see someone hurting on the inside, and I see that in all of you. I don't know why you guys are hurt, but I'm sure if we could all just maybe sit down a bit and talk, I'm sure we could work something out. Mr. Dragon, I don't mean to be rude but it seems like you true form is scaring everybody, so if you could please change back into your small form." Orky whipped away the tears and but on a dumb little smile to try and lighten the mood.