[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MZ1eXXr.png[/img][/center] [hr] "Well what can I say? You learn to be friendly real fast when your only other option's bleedin' out," he told the boy, Eldrid and then just listened to his story of how the Ascendancy had gotten its hands on him. When Kelan noticed the look on Orky's face, he was wondering if he should say something, but fortunately he quite literally snapped himself out of it. Eldrid made another good point then. Cybernetics or not, they all had something in common, something that had led them all to this ship. "Well said. Hell, I reckon there ain't enough forks on this ship to get us through all our issues," Kelan said with a small chuckle. He was more at peace with his past than most, but he still had his baggage. At that moment, he detected the smell of... smoke. It was faint, mostly being taken care of by the ship's air scrubbers, but it was there nonetheless. Perfect. "Hey, Reisus! Quit creepin' an get your ass out here 'fore I drag you out!" He figured the kids ought to know everyone that was on the ship. "It won't kill you to show yer face a second!"