[center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://image.ibb.co/ht4pHe/189443_63745_blink.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [color=blue] BLINK [/color] Location: Classroom Clarice Ferguson AKA “Blink” was trapped a room, facing her biggest enemy yet…math. She looked down at the notepad again, and ran her hands through her lavender hair in frustration. Then, suddenly, it all clicked. “The answer is 12,” Clarice finally said. Her teacher looked over Clarice’s work and smiled. “That’s it Clarice, you got it,” Mrs. Jackson said. “Now, how about the next one?” Clarice groaned inwardly, but obediently picked up the pencil and started to work on the next equation. When she had arrived here on this Earth, it was soon clear that while she was an excellent fighter, Clarice hadn’t had a proper education. In fact, she was so far behind, she couldn’t be in a regular class. Instead, Clarice would get one on one teaching. Enter Barbara Jackson, a young and popular teacher who was just returning from maternity leave. She was not much older than Kitty, but was shorter, with blonde hair and a southern accent that was pure Georgia. Mrs. Jackson had two important qualifiers that made her perfect for teaching mutant children. She was an excellent teacher with a huge reservoir of patience, and the “weird” stuff that went on at the mansion didn’t faze her one bit. Scott, Jean and Kitty met with Barbara just before she was scheduled to return to class, and asked if she would take on a special assignment. After explaining as much of Clarice’s history as they knew of, Barbara was shocked at what Clarice had gone through. But having never backed down from helping a child yet, she accepted the assignment. Scott gave the two a lovely, sunny room to work in with plenty of school supplies. It didn’t start well. For Clarice, the room almost like a prison cell, and the first time she wanted out, she had simply teleported away right in the middle of a lesson. Scott soon caught Clarice and after scolding her, sent her right back to apologize to Mrs Jackson. Clarice could now see why in her world he had become “Prelate Summers,” one of Apocalypse’s feared enforcers. However, Barbara’s lessons and endless patience was starting to make an impression, and while they weren’t exactly friends yet, at least she got Clarice to not teleport away whenever she felt like avoiding class. She was a tough student, but the skills and brains were there, Barbara knew, she just had to bring them out. Clarice was in the middle of another math problem when Kitty poked through the door, and quietly rapped on the wall. Mrs. Jackson turned around, and Clarice looked up from her work. “How’s it going today, Clarice?” Kitty asked with a cheery smile. “Ok, I guess.” She shrugged. Mrs. Roberts on the other hand was a bit more descriptive. “She’s doing well on her math today…very well,” Mrs Jackson said with happiness as she looked over at her student. Kitty nodded, taking it in for a second before coming fully into the room. “Well, I’m sorry Barbara, but I got to take Clarice away from you.” Mrs. Jackson nodded. “Well, I guess that it for today,” she said. “I expect you to be here again tomorrow at 8 o’clock, ya hear?” Clarice nodded, but in her mind flashed one word: “freedom!” “Can you go down to the court yard and meet with some of the other students, please,” Kitty asked. The lavender skinned mutant smiled, and before anybody could say anything more, there was a loud ‘BLINK!’ sound as she formed one of her teleportation portals and jumped through it, without saying so much as a goodbye. “Sheesh,” Kitty said. “I’m sorry about that Barbara.” “No…it’s all right Kitty,” Barbara said, though she was clearly disappointed. She tidied up the table before picking up her purse and starting out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”