[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwYTAwMC5XbUZqYUdGeWVTQk9lWEpwWkEsLC4w/radcliffe.display-bold-italic.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vg3Ydu_3KzAHQbh7UDnham1Hqqcof4lMH6NVXx4Cy_w/https/2.bp.blogspot.com/-CcYd8Jyz1Wo/WSKo-e7PrwI/AAAAAAAAB8I/cS3z2Cy0trsxpoo0rf0IB4LvgujiljX-gCLcB/s1600/bard%2Band%2Brobin.jpg?width=489&height=678[/img][/center] [hr] [center][@LordVoldemort][@Astrolia][@Samsno][/center] The bard continued to play his music as the troops drove away the pirates. Noticing his efforts were not in vain Zachary picked up his tempo and played his song faster than before. His hands were a flurry across his instrument even more than before. Even with the increased commitment the bard was able to speak in response to Eli. [color=Gold]"[i]¡Dios mío![/i],"[/color] Zachary exclaimed with great surprise, his face showing genuine shock. [color=Gold]"I thought a royal family on vacation at port to be here, not the prince of the land!"[/color] With his hands still playing the tune he did a humble bow towards Eli with a wide grin on his face. What an exciting day this was for the young bard! Not only were his musical skills of great use, he also played for the prince of Estala! Without even thinking about it Zachary began to do a little dance in place as he heard of Eli being in his debt. Of course the bard wouldn't cash in the favor as he had no use of financial gain except for meals and cloth. Zachary's joy was quite obvious and... well, almost concerning. It looked like the bard was about to explode from excitement that he turned to the witch and spoke in perfect Ibion, [color=Gold]"[i]¿No es este el mejor evento de la historia?[/i]"[/color] Zachary whipped his gaze back to Eli with his smile somehow wider than before. [color=Gold]"[i]¿Qué vamos a hacer ahora?¿Luchar contra más piratas?[/i]"[/color] Zachary eagerly awaited a response as he played his music oblivious that neither of the people he spoke to probably didn't understand him.