[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Olive]Richard Laine[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/1d/84/361d844c78fb71a93ab62dcb7651714b.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Olive]Location: The Palace[/color][/center] [hr] Richard gave a roll of his snake like eyes. "Ah, then who wrote it?" He question the dragoness, reaching a hand down to tousel his child's scaled head. Little did he expect the small child to sneeze a fireball. Yanking a hand back before it could be singed. Though he noted with slight amusement that Puck was not so lucky. While he held no ill will towards the man, and catching on fire was never a fun experience. The scream was a added garnish. A hand waving off Lyra's apology. It was not necessary to his eyes. But then Puck threatened his baby girl and his child's mother. Richard let loose a dangerous hiss at the small man, his body in motion as he steered Thalia and Zekarra behind him. [color=Olive]"I would chose your words carefully, little man."[/color] His eyes flashed in anger as he stalked towards Puck with a deadly grace. [color=Olive]"While I do not agree with my child lighting things on fire, my wife does speak true. She is just a child and a babe."[/color] The mutant's fist wrapped into the front of Puck's shirt as the fabric strained when the fool was lifted and slammed back into a wall. The assassin leaning in close as a knife appeared in his hand. [color=Olive]"And she. Is. Mine."[/color] There was no little in how angry Richard was. He was a protector of his family, it was how he had always been. Now with a child of his own? It only magnified the drive. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: The Castle walking to his home[/color][/center] [hr] The rogue wizard gave a groan of annoyance at the crowd before him. Well this explained it all too clearly. Running irritated hands through his hair the man cursed the witch twins that had brought them to the Port. It had been well worth it! Hah! That was a laugh, all he had to show for his troubles was a bullet in his leg and people who knew his face. Cold rage seered the man's innards as he mused over the quickest way back. The quickest way to being forgotten and then dragging down ever single pathetic existence in the Castle. So he muttered the simplest of spells, a teleport to his home. It was easy enough, he had done it before. He would feel the rush, the power- the utter sputtering of cracking failure as his spell crashed and burned. Rhys felt that ire grow. He was no blubbering apprentice, rather he was a grown accomplished wizard! Despite the insults his mentor threw at him. Gritting his teeth, the man stalked towards the Smuggler's Bolt. A foul smelling, putrid marsh. But a quick way home. Cursing out his luck the entire day. Rhys felt fresh air fill about him and the man picked up his pace. His leg would ache later but what choice did he have?