[@Lorddiviness] *Pherithian artilleries were activated, showering barrages and rains of plasmaballs and fireballs upon the Ironeagle troops* *however, the Harkyiuian traps were not yet in range* [quote=@Lorddiviness](At the Front) 10;00 at night on Rockgarde when suddenly explosions were heard. Bombs were blowing up in both Pherithian and Harkyuian bases. Immediately Volcron radars detected about 400 fighter bombers directly above the bases, carpeting bombing from a high altitude with micro-nukes, nukes that cause an explosion about the size of a small one story house. Searchlights immediately flared up, revealing huge amounts of heavy bombers and the Volcron started a huge storm of flak loose into the dark skies. [/quote] *Pherithian bases immediately fought back enemy aircrafts with AA defense emplacements and units* *Pherithians unleashed laser beams, plasmaballs and rockets to welcome these aircrafts* *Fleenzub Fighters immediately went into dogfights with Ironeagle bombers* *Harkyiuians, however, had it somewhat harder with anti-air* *the mists of darkness hardly affects these enemy aircrafts since they flew too high* *Nether Dragons of Harkyiu immediately roasted these aircrafts with shadowflames, purple flames that spread quickly, burn and corrode strongly* *Harkyiuian flak cannons fired their fiery flaks onto enemy fighters* *Harkyiuian Rocketsmen rallied themselves and begun firing target-seeking rockets at the enemies* [h2]====================[/h2] [@Paillan] Just to confirm, are the enemies who the New Westerner spoke of, only the American Rebels? Or do they include the newly risen cults and partisan movements too? Hmm... quite tricky... I don't even know if I'm going to do something with the plan... and if I want to, I am still thinking about creative ways to do it...