[center][h2]Tautom Commons[/h2][/center] The tower bells tolled out across Tautom, echoing off of every lead roof, every lowly gutter and the highest walls. Not one soul hadn’t heard of the day’s joyous occasion, posters, leaflets and criers had been posted on every street and inn to make sure it gathered as large a crowd as possible. And it had. The city commons, a great urban district at the centre of the city, had become the stage for a royal wedding. The usual grey cobblestone and wooden timber had taken on a bright shine as even the weather had warmed and brightened for the festivities. The houses and shops that lay on the outskirts of the central plaza looked like the heavens had opened up and released a flock of white bunting, now draped over every chimney, sign and corner, the Amalian crest, a silver evening star on a blue field, was side by side with the Baltian dynastic flag, a golden, imperialistic eagle clutching a phallic star in its talons on a red field, draped on every other building. The streets, usually filled with hawkers and prostitutes had now been completely cleared, the grey cobbles swept and cleaned, looking almost as if they had been laid that very morning. Large benches and chairs had been placed in the plaza haphazardly, but there was a clear aisle running down the middle, with an alter at one end, decorated with the flowers and cloth, both red and blue in colour to represent the two families. Quintus looked out over the crowds gathered around the very public affair expectantly. There was a very good reason it had been made public, but not one he had cared to share with many. A smile twinged the corner of his lips as he looked back from the guards standing between the commoners, who were watching the ceremony excitedly, and the Douxes and royal senators, most especially where King Orso himself was seated, oblivious to the real reason Quintus wanted him present. He looked to Arminius, his second in command sitting beside him in the same full military dress he wore, nudging the man with his shoulder to get his attention before leaning close [i]“Is everything in place?”[/i] [i]“Yes. We have troops stationed in the Cassium district ready to move.”[/i] He responded quietly. Quintus nodded, sitting back in his chair. He watched the Grand Domestic of Royal Ceremonies speaking, a skinny and effeminate man wearing only a loincloth, with the marks of many self-inflicted lashes covering his body. He is a flagellant, the closest thing to a priest in Tautom. And in front of him were two figures, one, the royal prince Zeno, dressed in an armour not dissimilar from Quintus’ own. The other was his own daughter, Eudoxia, standing a head smaller than Zeno, she was dressed in a fine white wedding dress, with a train that spoke of Tautan decadence. Over the muttering of the crowd, the Grand Domestic of Royal Ceremonies spoke with a melodious and booming voice before the altar, impressive for a man so outwardly frail, gathering the attention of all. [center][i]“Bless and fill the hearts and eyes of whores We pimps, outcasts, fools and criminal sores, Take pity on our long misery, o Odovakre’s heir, On us, bestow salvation from despair, Unite these two sinners in fidelity and infidelity, With the seal of the Baltian immortality! You who knows each weak and shameful thing, Grant unto this duo Oath’s ring, Orso, merciful King.”[/i][/center] [i]‘’I so shall!”[/i] King Orso proclaims, standing up from his seat in jubilation as he holds aloft his rather phallic ceremonial scepter. Then he began to slap his feet about and starts dancing like a baboon. It is a divine Tautan custom. For a true King, who is God’s highest creation, understands and emulates also God’s lowest. There was a tense silence as Zeno and Eudoxia exchanged smiles, slipping a golden band onto each others ring finger. The silence lasted but a moment as the Flagellant spoke once more. [i]“By King Orso’s benevolence, I declare your souls and beds linked! My prince, sanctify your oath by kissing your bride sensually.”[/i] Zeno bent slightly to reach her height, lifting a hand to take her shoulder he kissed her modestly in front of the crowd. The commoners in the background erupted into cheers, while those seated began clapping as the two newly-weds turned to face them, smiles splitting their faces as Eudoxia’s pale cheeks began to flush red. Quintus immediately stood up, Approaching the King who was seated on the other row as he saluted him smartly, speaking in a hushed tone. [i]“My king, if you wouldn’t mind, the Amalians have a small surprise planned.”[/i] [i]‘’Why would I mind, Quizzicus? I do love surprises!’’[/i] The Tautan king says, rubbing his hands in joyful anticipation. Quintus nods, the smile he wore only grew in size. Looking back to Arminius, he inclined his head. The officer saluted, pulling his helmet on and walking down the aisle and out of the plaza. On the other side of the plaza, there was a woman’s scream as suddenly, the sound of horses moving down a street began to fill the plaza, quickly joined by the tramp of marching boots. Quintus stepped back, putting a hand on the hilt of his ceremonial blade at his hip as he announced confidently. [i]“Then, my King, you are going to love this.”[/i] Quintus gestured towards the street where the scream originated, as a dozen horses adorned in red ribbons began to appear, drawing carts. Each cart had two horses, and each cart was stacked with neatly arranged crates, with plenty of room to sit around and beside them. Quintus walked towards Zeno and Eudoxia, opening his arms wide. [i]“Congratulations to the pair of you, my daughter, I am so proud of you. And Zeno, you have taken another step towards greatness. You two are going to be the talk of the city. Are you ready?”[/i] Zeno nodded, hesitation growing clear on his face as he looked towards the carts [i]“Is it quite safe?”[/i] [i]“I assure you. Nothing is safer. My best man will be guarding you.”[/i] Quintus responded with his silken smooth tongue, putting a hand on Zeno’s shoulder. [i]“This will win the city folk over to you like none other before you. Now off you go… I can see Arminius returning now.”[/i] Zeno looked towards a growing commotion, he could see a squad of men forcing their way through the crowd of commoners, red horsehair crests adorning their helmets as they surrounded the carts in a well oiled fashion, kite shields and swords held ready. Zeno smiled broadly, looking to Eudoxia and offering his hand [i]“Are you ready for a tour of the city, my wife?”[/i] [i]“Yes but… Why?”[/i] she said with wide eyes, never taking her eyes off the carts and their contents. The young prince simply smiled and led her over to the closest cart, still holding her hand he helped her into the back before climbing in himself with the help of a guard as the contents were now obvious. Food. The carts contained everything, ranging from bread, to dried meats, even exotic fruits imported from Syrome. As the two climbed into their cart, servants began to climb into the rest. Quintus remained by the king, watching as the carts began to set off down the main street, as his daughter and son in law began to throw food and treats to the crowds, quickly joined by the servants, a throng began to gather around the carts, delight and cheering began to echo as the crowd followed them, the armed guards shoving back anyone who got too close for comfort. [i]“They will be travelling through the poorest districts, giving alms to the masses, all in the name of this new union my king. There is no reason your subjects shouldn’t share in today’s delight!”[/i] Quintus couldn’t help but find himself clapping his hands together like a jester at the thought in the presence of the King’s aura. [i]“Say Quiralus, you are a most benevolent subject! If only more Douxes were like you! Which is to say, taking after me! Generous, kind, beloved.’’[/i] Orso laughs at Quintus, prodding him with his elbow. [i]“You flatter me, my King, I only live to serve Tautom, especially after everything you’ve done for the Amalian people. I wish more Douxes were like you too! The city would be filled with mirth and pleasure, as it should, no?”[/i] Quintus laughed without realising it, caught up in the King’s aura. But at the back of his mind he remembered his purpose, knowing he was so close. The familiar feel of his swords’ pommel in his grip helped him keep his bearings. As they laughed, a runner entered the plaza, looking red and winded. Spotting Quintus, he ran up to him with a sealed letter, dropping to a knee as he held it out to him, struggling to catch his breath. Quintus stopped laughing abruptly, regarding the letter like one might a snake. Taking it, he examined the stamp before opening it and reading the contents, making sure to play up the expressions on his face accordingly as he read it. [i]“...”[/i] Orso clapped an oiled hand on Quintus’ shoulder, impacting with a wet smack, joviality never departing him despite the change in mood. [i]“Why so grim, Quirkus? Tis a day of merriment! Perhaps a dip in the royal pool would do you good!”[/i] Quintus’ face darkened, he lowered the letter and looked up [i]“My king, a group of bandits are in the process of setting up a barricade over the Laelae river, already several sailors have been attacked, and the Chlotar barbarians do nothing to stop its construction!”[/i] He states dramatically, scrunching the letter up in an outraged fist. [i]“Laelae River?”[/i] Orso waved a hand dismissively, leaning back to bask in the sun with a smile on his face. [i]“It’s too cold. I’ve no need to bathe in the Laelae, what concern is it of ours?’’[/i] [i]“The Laelae River is a vital supply line, my King. It is one of our few lanes of trade, trade that is at risk if this isn’t dealt with.”[/i] [i]‘’Trade at risk? Since when do we trade with the deep continent? That’s all overrun by barbarians nowadays, and last I checked they hate us for our freedoms!’’[/i] [i]‘’Renaqui -- we import our lumber from the semi-independent and autonomous Chlotar vassal of Renaqui. We have hitherto maintained cordial relations between our great city states. But we do need that lumber desperately.’’[/i] [i]‘’Well obviously, I am the King! I knew all that. I was just testing if you knew.’’[/i] Orso asserts. [i]‘’But what can we do? The maintenance of the Laelae is no longer under Baltian jurisdiction. All that land has fallen to hostile autocratic savages! What hero can resolve this most pressing crisis?! I don’t see any! We are doomed, Quitulius, doomed!’’[/i] Quintus lowered himself to one knee before the king, pressing a fist to his chest as he bowed his head [i]“I have well trained and disciplined troops ready and willing to set out and deal with this problem at your word. My fourth maniple can ride out with me, and with your blessing, I will crush this blockade and ensure our great city begins to assert its rightful dominance over our Baltian possessions once again.”[/i] [i]‘’I don’t know about that, Quirsan, I am quite happy just being King over Tautom. Not to mention; you will die! The Chlotars will kill you when they find you! The risk is great! But wait, I know a way to keep you safe -- probably.’’[/i] King Orso turned to face Quintus as best he could from where he sat, lifting his scepter high in his right hand. His left reached for Quintus’ face before it half-slapped him, an oily imprint now left on the man’s cheek. Quintus certainly felt something, but whether it was tied to the disgust of the king’s slippery hand now sliding across his face, Orso’s aura overpowering said disgust or divine power he couldn’t tell. Quintus blinked, slowly lifting his face to look up at the king, confusion etched on his stern features. [i]“I am… Blessed?”[/i] he seems to frown, clearly it wasn’t exactly what he imagined it being. [i]‘’Indeed you are, friend, indeed you are.’’[/i] He snapped out of his confusion, rising to his feet again and saluting the King, announcing loudly. [i]“Then it is done. I shall ride out tomorrow morning for the river, and put an end to those brigands for the good of the City-State of Tautom!”[/i]