The turret was a lot more sensitive than Tyrell was expecting it to be. Reacting to his movements, if he hadn't been as versed in space combat he would have really struggled. After letting loose a couple of shots off towards a TIE Fighter, his first shots merely glanced the fighter while the second burst of fire pierced the cockpit. Sending the vessel into a 'downward' spiral, bursting into a ball of flames before disintigrating into mere debris. There was a clattering as the freighter was pebbled with debris. From what he could tell there was no real damage done to the vessel, though that wasn't his problem to worry about as the ship moved through the chaotic mess of the battle. Fighters swarming in all directions of all shapes and sizes, while larger ships attempted to pull away and into hyperspace. In the distance he faintly saw the red prong of his own ship, before it disappeared into hyperspace. A scowl crossed his face as he took out his hanger on an approaching wing of TIE fighters. Strafing them, they were caught in a colission as a cruiser attempted to pull away from its Imperial Counterparts. Blaster fire glanced past the shield as the interceptors got a fix on the ship. The Imperials were really trying to take everyone out. Tyrell fired shots off at the interceptors, clipping one of them as it spun off into the distance. The other two didn't relent, which was when Tyrell got the idea. "Elias, turn the ship to heading -35." The asteroid belt that the station was set in was dangerous, over the years claiming many a pilots life as they attempted to run through it to avoid trouble with one gangster or another. The stationmaster held a competition every year, and the pilot to get the furthest won a boatload of credits. To this day nobody had made it all the way to the otherside of the belt. "Take us through the belt."