[quote=@Shard] Considering writing a relationship chart for Willow, how he views all the others. Might be fun. Could be good to discuss the relationships between characters, too, and who lives with whom in the dorms. [/quote] I'm looking for friends for Tiana. Still, if everyone's coming in on their first day in the RP, it might be best done ICly. That said, I wouldn't mind being Willow's mentor, if you're down for that! We can have that pre-arranged before Willow arrives. I'll go put my sheet in the character tab now and take a read of everyone else's. EDIT: -So- many Mamas in these backstories. [@Talipaendrag], can we make that into some sort of canon culture flair? It appears to be a common trope to use so perhaps there's a widespread acceptance that childless middle aged women can easily look after small, lost children. Anyway, it looks like Orky ([@OrkytheOrc], Hiasahi ([@Compulsive86]), and Willow (Already tagged) would be ideal candidates for Tiana to mentor and look after. I'd love to speak with you all about your characters but I would like to emphasise that Tiana is [i]decades[/i] older than these kids and sitting at mentor/professional power level of magic. I'm incredibly worried that the students in this RP will try to 1v1 her or consistently detect her magic, and kick up a fuss when she doesn't roll over. It's a shame I even have to mention this but it's happened in the past way too often to forgo pre-warning people that my character will probably be able to beat yours in a fair fight... Nevertheless, I'm not saying she's invincible or god-mode. I like to plan things OOCly and reach happy mediums. Tiana will slip up and make mistakes on the off chances she does use her magic against the students, which in and of itself will be rare indeed considering Tiana doesn't make a habit of using the full extent of her magic in general. Most of the spells she'll cast in a day-to-day setting will be novice-intermediate level, easy enough to detect, simple enough to figure out unless I mention otherwise. The exception to the rule is her enchanting magic which sits at a much more complex and advanced level than what the students will be taught and probably won't be detected since she's used it a great deal of times on fully fledged guild members, let alone novices. [i]I will never use enchantment on anyone's character without OOC permission.[/i] The reason I'm bringing it up is because Tiana uses a passive enchantment to make herself more likeable and charismatic. Not by a lot, but it'd certainly be a good plot device for the particularly wary characters (looking at you Hiasahi!) to be able to open up a bit easier and develop a bond with Tiana. I'd like to know if that's okay with you all - it's like 'baby's first enchantment' spell, but it is very carefully hidden. I would like to use it to be able to facilitate RP, no more than that.