[@TaliPaendrag] Heya, mind if I join in too? [hider=Sylvanna] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/3d05/f/2014/289/0/c/__commission___realitystops_by_jotaku-d7t6qzj.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][b][color=fff200]Sylvanna Teledar[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [center][i][color=fff200]”Won’t you entertain me?”[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b] Her friends call her Sylvie, many others call her “nutcase” [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Sun Elf [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 17 [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Sylvanna is 185cm tall (6’1”) and is of a slender and delicate build. Sylvanna is often compelled to maintain a high level of cleanliness and presentation when among polite company, however she is not entirely concerned with doing so unless she feels she must, and will otherwise let her standards slip until someone forces her to shape up. Likewise, her clothing is often tailored towards meeting social standards until she feels she does not need to, and then she’ll start wearing whatever she feels like at the time. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] If someone was to make an exceptionally fallacious argument about what makes someone a “real” Sun Elf, then they would likely say Sylvanna is no true Sun Elf. She was born a noble lady, and she has some traits beaten into her that befit the image of a haughty, arrogant Sun Elf, but otherwise ill resembles any typical notions of Sun Elf culture. She is impatient and full of flights of fancy, tending to live by the day and indulge in momentary thrills rather than take a thoughtful, contemplative approach to life. She’s so notoriously flighty, many who know her consider her to be certifiably insane. The problem lies in how brazen and outspoken her quest for diversion is. Among the polite and rigid upper class society of the day, the idea of someone making outlandish requests for people to do and say ridiculous things for someone’s entertainment is beyond offensive. An example would be the fact that Sylvanna has encouraged her suitors to fight among themselves for her affections. Even worse, she just tends to laugh and laugh at the unfortunate souls that get entangled in her whimsy. Those that refuse to indulge her will inspire a petulant tantrum befitting a child many years younger than Sylvanna. She will hop up and down and belt out her request over and over again until she either gets what she wants or loses interest. Perhaps her sole redeeming factor is her tendency to favour those that indulge her. While it does mean that said person is likely to receive more outlandish requests, they may come to realise that Sylvanna is often more than happy to reciprocate. Even if someone hasn’t agreed to do anything for her, she might do what they ask if she finds it sufficiently entertaining, but she certainly won’t indulge those that refuse to indulge her. She is selfish and childish, but not beyond acts of altruism if they suit her. [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Born a noble’s daughter, Sylvanna was a sheltered child, both from society and from her ever busy parents, who left her care up to the dispassionate servants of their household. One day her mother spent checking in on her, she took notice of how bored and depressed her child seemed. She decided that the solution was to hire people to keep her daughter entertained, and to that end she employed harlequins. She found some of the biggest professional entertainers in the land to come and keep their daughter smiling. Hence, Sylvanna became hooked on jests and jabs born from the minds of some of the greatest comics of the time. The harlequins were particularly skilled at physical humour; pranks and pratfalls and the like. They tended to employ the other household servants in their mischief, who had no recourse but to endure every humiliation visited upon them. Sylvanna laughed heartily at all that occurred, but something neither her parents, the harlequins, nor the servants came to pass; Sylvanna began to think this type of nonsense was perfectly acceptable. After all, if the dour servants would not complain when pies were smooshed in their faces or the rugs pulled from underneath them, then why would anyone else? It was never explained properly to Sylvanna that some people behaved differently from others, nor that some people were not employed by her parents to care for her, and so she went on in life under that assumption. The problem with this presented itself when she finally attended a proper school. At first, she found a few willing jokesters to act out her foolish requests, but eventually she found someone that had a problem with the idea of dumping a pot of grease over the headmaster’s office floor. She made an enormous stink with the child that refused her, and this was the first time her poor behaviour was brought to her parent’s attention. At this point, they shrugged it off. It was poor form for a noble Sun Elf to act like such a petulant child, but she was indeed a child, and they expected her to mature. That assumption proved decidedly false. Sylvanna remained a silly child consumed with getting a rise out of life. When she became old enough for talks of an arranged marriage to crop up, she began to encourage those that attempted to court her to humiliate themselves for her amusement. Her most notorious request was to have to very respectable Sun Elf scions brawl with each other in full view of the public. Unfortunately for the two of them, it did not encourage Sylvanna to take the question of marriage seriously, and unfortunately for her parents, her behaviour was beginning to stain their honour. They were developing a reputation for having an insane and unhinged daughter that encouraged misbehaviour wherever she went. They finally decided to try and nip her behaviour in the bud personally. First they yelled at her, and that didn’t stick. Then they tried restricting her privileges, but she always found ways to cause trouble. In the end, they found the damage she was causing to their reputation far outweighed the benefits of keeping her around. They decided to send her away, choosing to send her to Alsijan because it was at least somewhat prestigious, and most of all very far away. They hoped she would be gone long enough for her to be forgotten in their social circles, expecting that she would never last at the school, but at least she wouldn’t be their problem for a time. For Sylvanna, the idea of getting to see an exotic new location seemed wonderful, and she blissfully ignorantly prepared for her “vacation”. [b][u]Affinities:[/u][/b] Enchantment and Alteration [b][u]Craft:[/u][/b] Infusion [b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] -[u]Enchantment[/u]: When told that Enchantment was a favourite among the Sun Elves, and that her parents wanted her to learn it for the sake of tradition, Sylvanna couldn’t have cared less. It sounded stuffy and boring and she wanted to do something more fun. It wasn’t until later when she was told Enchantment could help her get people to do what she wanted that she took a keen interest in it. As of yet, her endeavours in Enchantment magic have been about as effective as stamping her feet for getting people to do what she wants, but she has learned a lot about keeping others from her mind to preserve her fun. -[u]Alteration[/u]: Her most favoured harlequins tended to use Alteration magic for some of their gags. The sight of someone morphing their own fingers into various puppets or weakening a man’s belt until his pants fell down inspired Sylvanna to pursue the discipline herself. So far, she has acquired an eclectic mix of spells and talents that facilitate her need for entertainment. -[u]Infusion[/u]: Someone once told her that mistakes with Infusion could result in things going ‘boom’. Sylvanna thought having things go ‘boom’ sounded like a lot of fun, and so she set out to deliberately make mistakes with Infusion. She was then told quite plainly that such mistakes could get herself killed. As nutty as she can be, Sylvanna is far from suicidal. Instead, she hopes to one day apply Infusion in the field of making anything but her go ‘boom’. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] As a highborn lady, and especially as a Sun Elf, Sylvanna was expected to indulge in art and culture as a matter of principle. She didn’t much like any of it at first, but the harlequins used to play her music on flutes, and so she decided to take up the flute herself. The harlequins also taught her a lot about setting up the perfect prank; rigging improvised tripwires and finding the right timing to trip a person so as to send them flying into a conveniently placed pile of objects. They also taught her well the art of escaping the wrath of those that find themselves irked by her japes. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Nah. [/hider]