[hider=Marius Sirvaki] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8e/0d/e0/8e0de0f8b0bb140b5cd64c0260137926.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Marius Sirvaki[/h2][/center] [color=gold][center][i]"Don't feel bad about losing to me. It was supposed to happen. Can't fight fate. See, it's my destiny to become the greatest legend of all time. My story will be told through the ages. You thought you could stop that? Please. Who's going to remember you?"[/i][/center][/color] [hr] [b][u]Nicknames:[/u][/b] The Destined One, The Golden, The Exalted, The Phoenix Dawn, Jerk [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 16 [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Marius constantly uses his face to show his emotions. He's incredibly easy to read by anyone with even the slightest skill in determining body language. He also commonly allows the flare ups of his magical power manifest as great shows of sparks, flames, or golden lights, to make him look more glorious. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] To state that Marius is arrogant would be akin to stating that the ocean is damp. Marius is a text book definition of the dangers that occur when one takes reading the future a little too literally and seriously. Marius has been raised from birth to believe that he is the fated, prophcized, destined to complete some great task or to become some kind of great hero. The exact claims of this prophecy are sketchy at best but hear it enough times and you eventually embrace it. Marius whole heartedly believes in destiny, everything happens because its just part of something bigger and all of it happens to further the grand plan set for him. He's taken to this belief with an outlook that could be correctly compared to delussion. While loud, boisterous, and prideful, he usually retains an optimistic smugness at all times. Everything in his life is viewed through this narcissistic lens, giving him an air of entitlement and exceptionalism. When he fails, its cause either some jealous villain has prevented his success, or he needs to learn something to get him through that particular hurdle on the road to his fate, just like all true heroes. He cannot imagine that its simply because he can't do it. He's destined to excel, become legendary. If he can't do it, he was never meant too, and thus its not important for his destiny so he dismisses it. He has no fear when it comes to battle because he will obviously survive it, as prophecy dictates. He has the same attitude to alot of things, irreverent to things that just don't work out. It gives him an attitude that dismisses other people's feelings. After all, they only wanted to be close because they obviously were attracted to his greatness. If they leave, they weren't required for his destiny to come to pass so whats the point of even giving them a second thought. Some people are just ungrateful or jealous. Not everyone can be great like him. If it comes to anything thats not about him, he is emotionally stunted to it. He even views his time at the school as a formality. He doesn't really expect to learn anything he doesnt already know and be better at. That's not to say he doesn't have some virtues. He believes himself to be a hero of legend. He needs to be kind, needs to be considerate, needs to be supportive cause that is what a hero should do. A hero needs side kicks and allies, and so he strives to make those around him better, taking time to train them personally like a wise and generous hero should be. He'll even enjoy their company and hang out with them, so long that they know that they are just periphery characters in his story. Its going to take a lot of wake up calls for him to come to grips that the universe doesn't revolve around him. [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] The Sirvaki's were a merchant family, low born but wealthy enough to be somewhat connected in most circles. The Lady Sirvaki however was obsessed with fortune telling, divinations, and astrology. When she was pregnant, she spent a fortune on seeing the future of her child. It was during those days of confusing and contradictory horoscopes that one spinned a yarn for the starry eyed mother to be. That her son would be a great hero, maybe the greatest of them. A wizard without peer or equal. What he was supposed to do exactly and how was up for speculation. That part didn't matter. The woman went mad with wonder and pride. She told her own tales how her son was destined to be King one day, No Emperor! NO! A LIVING SAINT! He was going to slaughter Dragon Kings and crush Demon Lords. He was going to rock the very foundation of the earth. Her husband, bemused and happy for her fondness of her unborn child submitted to her demands. This would have been the end of the story were they not rich and guillible. Marius was born, and he was doted over by an army of trainers, masters, teachers, journeymen, and whoever else his mother could find in order to make sure that her son had all the skills needed to be a being of myth. To his credit, once indoctrinated to his own greatness, Marius was a man skilled and talented. He casted his first spell at five, counterspelled a master's firebolt at age seven, saved the life of a lord's daughter at age nine, (Thanks to his mother setting up the accident), and slayed his first monster at age ten with nothing but his magic. By age twelve he had travled the civilized world and proved his worth a dozen times over in the courts of kings and merchant princes. Honestly when he came to the Capital of Alsijan to attend the Mages Guild, he considered merely a formality. Of course he had to prove himself to the sorceror kings and at this rate, he'd be among them in less than a year. It is still up in the air if the prophecy is true or not, but Marius' behavior, mannerisms, and delusions have earned him some attention among the magical courts, and all of them not in a good way. Some believe he is a but a thought away into believing himself invincible enough as to be beyond the law or morality. Out of the influential eye of his parents, the Phoenix Dawn, as he calls himself after the mythical being he believes he reincarnated from, the young mage can finally be watched for any signs of malefescence. Their fears have been passed along to the masters of the guild to keep an eye on him. [b][u]Affinities:[/u][/b] Abjuration and Evocation [b][u]Craft:[/u][/b] Infusion He commonly uses Infusion to give his clothes and items magical properities. He's been experimenting on developing enchantments that deal with intellect, socialization, beauty, and other ulitarian disciplines. [b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] Abjuration is usually his primarily magic set followed by Evocation. He learned this through personal tutelage because his doting mother feared that his destiny would be cut short by a villain to prevent his great fate. Marius has leaned a number of spells designed to keep him safe and unmarred by the dangerous world. When he switched from Defense towards the Offense, he went with the direct approach, weilding Fire and Air as his natural affinities among Evocation and combining them to create lightening attacks, but he plans to eventually master all of them. To his credit, Marius had developed a rather unique take on using his magic, combining his chosen schools into something new. Notable and uncommon spells are listed. [list] [*][u]Wards[/u]- He places a ward pretty much every time he sits down. Its a natural response as villains could be anywhere. His ward specifically tells him of scrying attempts. He's been working on its accuracy to determine distance and direction, and eventually he wants to add a counter ability to it, scrying right back on the would be spy [*][u]Mage Armor[/u]- A barrier centered on him. Its raised to repel weapon and magic, deflect the force rather than openly stopping it. The lack of size preserves the magic needed to power it. [*][u]Wall[/u]- A flat barrier designed to prevent force from either direction. Magic determines depth, density, size, and shape. The walls can be infused with elemental magic, for instance making a wall of fire to char those whom unwillingly run into it. [*][u]Glyph[/u]- Marius can cast a ward that marks an area. This area acts as a trigger for a spell, either a wall or trap. [*][u]Trap[/u]- A barrier but the force is closed inwardly, allowing other magic to enter within. Its meant to seize an opponent making him a sitting duck for offensive magic. The Trap can also be infused, inflicting a spell upon the person trapped inside. The Trap usually fizzles after the damage is done. [*][u]Mirror[/u]- A specific type of counterspell, it doesnt negate the spell, but launches it right back or against the offender's allies. [/list] Marius magic is centered around controlling the battlefield and taking away mobility and hope from his opponents. He can dodge, using his armor and barriers to negate the enemy while he turns the environment into a smaller and smaller deathtrap for his enemies. He has developed a bunch of different effects to use with his barriers, such as using them as steps. [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Marius has had to learn a number of things in his blessed life, mostly at the whims of his overbearing mother, but some more unusual gifts include. [list] [*][u]Ancient History[/u]- His mothers first thought was that he was a reincarnated hero, so he was introduced to Ancient History rather early in his childhood, learning some rare written languages and runes. [*][u]Unarmed Combat[/u]- He learned early on that only fools rely on tools to keep them safe. Still best to learn how to defend himself, and so he learned a martial art dealing with deflection and redirects and disarms. He has been attacked with weapons before and they proved just as useless against him as most magic is. [*][u]Languages[/u]- The proud parents took their messianic child everywhere, and thus he visited many lands and learned many languages. [*][u]Social Protocol[/u]- Brought before nobility, he can bow charm and smooze with the best of them. He was meant to deal with lords. The common and forgotten are barely worth the time and the words. [*][u]Acrobatics[/u]- With his paid tutelage in order to keep himself safe, he had to keep himself in shape and had to learn to use his body in odd ways in order to escape bonds and tough spots. He manages his physique to this very day, but thats mainly to maintain his looks. [*][u]Appraisal[/u]- Believing his place in destiny, he has a discerning eye when it comes to what would benefit his heroic image, whether magical artifact or person [/list] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] He actually does have a few favors from people whom he either helped, owe his parents, or even believe the prophecy to be true. The more his legend spreads, the more followers he might be able to call on in the future. [/hider]