Hogan's gaze continued to drift around the room, he'd anticipated that all his co workers would've been shocked to see him, though Red and Mieke proved him wrong. Well at least Red did for sure, Mieke looked a little absent. Possibly she just had no idea what on earth was going on. Either way it didn't matter to Hogan he was just here because it was his job. Hogan fixated on Red, she was getting awfully close and he wasn't sure how comfortable he was with that. His mouth started to slowly open and he lifted his head up slightly making sure that the woman got a good view of her mouth. And she just ended up patting him on the chin anyway. She was insane in some degree, or she knew about his stand and how it mad Hogan as dangerous as a kitten in most cases. Hogan let out a soft rumbling sound as Red ran her hand along his lower jaw. Simon never pat him like this, Simon always kicked him. As the pat ended Hogan's his mouth closed quickly and he lay his head back onto the floor. Her guess about swamp missions was one hundred percent accurate, though it took the comment to remind Hogan that he had in fact been sent on those missions. Though he remembered something about avoiding the agent he was supposed to be helping. Though he couldn't exactly remember why, it obviously wasn't anything important, probably just to avoid getting in their way. So the reactions of the women seemed to be fairly positive, there was the little tiny girl who seemed a nice. Looked like she'd need a lot of protecting. Then there was Red who gave him a little pat, so she was on the nice list. But it seemed like now it was time for the men to respond to Hogan's entrance, and this reaction was a little more along the lines of what he expected. Just a plain [i]you've got to be fucking kidding me[/i] though that was the extent of the surprise. Hogan's eyes followed the man's hand as it, while he was hoping for another pat all he got was some card with writing one it. Of coarse Hogan had no idea what this writing meant though he did now know the name of the man holding it out to him. Leonard Skinner. He'd have to keep an eye on that one, Hogan couldn't trust someone with [i]Skinner[/i] in their name. Though while his name was fishy the man made a decent point bringing up how to get Hogan around town. Hogan had never gone out himself, that'd involve a lot of effort and probably minimal returns. That and the fact that the Speedwagon personnel didn't want him out and about scaring the shit out of people, which also seemed reasonable. The only person left to meet was the largest one. Though from looks alone the man didn't strike Hogan as anything nasty, but he couldn't help but get images of wrestling with this man out of his head. He looked like he'd be way more fun to wrestle than Simon, mostly due to the fact this fellow had a good amount of meat on his bones. Hogan could respect that.