Her lone look and long-lasting lover’s lament lured her to a lengthy labyrinth leading to little but leering at lurid landscape. Dammit, she completely abandoned her objective, instead going on a wild goose chase. Why did a similar birthmark from her memories that she could’ve easily misremembered cause such an impulsive reaction? Simmering and stewing in her thoughts, sitting on a stool with her arms crossed. A picture was supposedly worth a thousand words, but her recorded footage and strained explanations wouldn’t be satisfy her master. Stalking the recognized target like a beast and chasing its prey, turning a street corner then sprinting off in a separate direction and never looking back. Ruining her chance to learn about Lieutenant Davidson in the process. As if she stepped through a painting into another dimension, gore spread across walls like paint becoming the creators’ canvas. Inside a large data storage room with enough toppled dented shelves with dismantled dossiers splattered onto the floor, the excessive blood bleed the ink upon the pages. Two stiffs in this room alone, one suffered death by a thousands cuts if you rounded down. The other body had been smashed beyond recognition, making her unable to elucidate what unfolded. If theft was the primary motivation, why did the culprit clearly drag out all his victims’ demise? Before she started to question why was she lingering long after losing track of her person of interest. But she already knew that answer; delaying the inevitable of having to explain to him why she disobeyed vital orders. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m0GBPnK.jpg[/img][/center] Holding her breath to escape the stench. The sheer graphical randomness only expanded her imagination as she left the room and sauntered down the high-tech hallways. A melody of the low pitched buzzing of generators and sounds of gas hissing from ruptured black hoses that connected from wall to wall, aided the atmosphere. The cyan lighting further illuminating the dismal display, least that’s how she could imagine getting it described by the psychopath that proceeded here. Four more bodies. One hanging from a wide transparent window from the eastern wall, along with their severed head and the shattered glass littering the ground. Trying to carefully cross around the pools of red, stepping over the one too many chopped-off limbs toward the merging hallway to the right... These certainly weren’t perpetrators of the previous firefights, now happening multiple blocks away from Scarlett. Hell — there wasn't even a stray firearm in view. Though that was her speaking too soon, catching an accidental whiff and following the potent aroma of the spicer ingredients often used for ramen. Noticing a pair of bloody footprints scampering into the available exit, a cramped kitchen finding numerous bullet holes and shells scattered throughout the area... [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/j0x8yxP.jpg[/img][/center] She walked into the small restaurant and scanned her surroundings, several booths with some empty bowls and chopsticks, an Ingram MAC 14 in disrepair beside a dismembered gun wielder lying face up in the booth. Their mouth covered with a dark bandanna, not masking the horror expressed in their lifeless eyes. A broken ordering machine/ATM rotting in the corner. Tall bar stools adjacent to a couple cans of soda spilled onto the dining countertop. Scarlett felt the chill of wind coming from the exposed entrance that lead to the outside streets. A single step difference from being indoors and on the stone sidewalk, approaching a plastered missing persons’ poster and seeing Davison’s information brazenly displayed. Just nothing she hadn't been briefed on extensively that also wasn't public. She peeled it off the wall, letting out a disappointed sigh. But then her eyes suddenly stuck to the back like a dart hitting the bullseye. That’s exactly what she needed! Walking out underneath the glow of the cartoonish neon sign hanging above, displaying a colorful bowl of ramen with a face and showing they were open 24/7. She dashed off, also less fortunately smelling the pungent garbage bag pile as she passed by. The burden of concern lessening upon her shoulders, maybe reporting her findings wouldn’t receive scornful retaliation after all... [i]"I just hope I'm not wrong about this..."[/i]