[center][color=a36209][h2]Dirk Davidson[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zZ9bEVw.jpg?2[/img] [color=ed1c24][b][u]Health:[/u][/b] 3000/3000[/color] [color=0072bc][b][u]Mana:[/u][/b] 1300/1300[/color] [hider=Stats] [b][u]Strength:[/u][/b] 18 [b][u]Agility:[/u][/b] 13 [b][u]Intelligence:[/u][/b] 5 [/hider] [hider=Skills] [b]Sword Wielding:[/b] Lv.20 [b]Passive Abilities:[/b] Inspiring Presence: Whenever user takes damage, they have a small chance to either recover 100HP or have target nearby friendly gain 50HP. Vengeful Smite: User has a low chance to deal magic damage to target that has managed to deal melee damage against user. Fortress of Wood: User gains a small, permanent, irremovable damage reduction. Works for all kinds of damages. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] Solace Medallion (Equipped) Shield [Round] (Equipped) Full Plate Armor (Equipped) Solace Blade (Equipped) Rosary of Courage (Equipped) [/hider] [/center] [right]Interactions: Everyone Location: Outside Savage Fields[/right] [hr] [hider=Day 11] The previous day's meeting had been rather eventful - the plan to begin intense grinding once again had caused Theo more than a little stress, but it would be impossible to talk the others out of it - they'd want revenge sooner or later, and this was the only effective method of getting it themselves. The first thing that they did in the morning was to assemble for Karma's funeral - it was very similar to Kajin's, almost exactly the same except for the body in the coffin and the number of people present. The service was very depressing, but Theo had no doubt that some of his companions simply were stewing in anger towards Valentine rather than sadness for the death of Karma. The service ended after an hour or so, with the coffin simply disappearing from sight like most monsters and players did on death. Normally, Theo would have felt very sick at the sight, but he was slowly acclimating. Was it slowly? It had only been 11 days in the game, and the death of an acquaintance meant significantly less than before. Theo had no doubt that this was aided by both the rosary and the acting skill, but he had grown much more cold than when he first entered the game. It didn't really matter. When the service was over, Theo quickly left to stock up on supplies. The shopping had taken him two hours, but by the end, he had 80 renn worth of Dried fruit. Reylan had mentioned buying food for them, but actually holding something in his hands felt much more reassuring when staying out for so long. Water was much more difficult and expensive to hold onto - if he was lucky, Theo wouldn't need to worry about it. With everything in his inventory and his coin purse significantly lighter, Theo made for his second target - Data Link 66. He barely spent any time at all inside the guild house, before leaving angrily. He didn't have nearly enough to make Valentin's information public knowledge - getting the information for him alone cost Reylan 600 Renn, so there was no way they'd send it out in their own newsletter for anything less than a fortune. Still, holding onto his meager amount of Renn was fortunate. He doubted he would have had a place to sleep the night if he had spent it, even if Hans and Julia liked him. Theo spent the rest of the day browsing the city, eventually buying a sleeping bag when the thought of the rough ground came to mind. Everything settled, Theo went back to the inn, having dinner and falling into a deep slumber, preparing for what was to come the following day. [/hider] Breakfast, a shower, and donning his armor were the beginning of the day, as usual with Theo. With a quick farewell to Hans and Julia, Theo joined up with his guild mates in the march to the dungeon. The trip itself was easy, albeit tedious and tense. The group fought no monsters, and Theo chose not to adopt his Dirk eccentrics until they made it to the dungeon - it would be to easy for them to snap at him with nothing to do but walk. By the time they had made it to the dungeon, the sun was halfway across the sky, and Theo was already munching on one of his dried fruit, bringing him down to seven in all. The sight of the translucent invisible wall filled Theo with a new jolt of energy that wasn't present during the march as his acting skill briefly flooded him with cues and lines of dialogue. [color=a36209]"Beware, foul beasts who reside within - Dirk Davidson and the Legendary Legion of the Wolves have come for your hides!"[/color]