OK, created the sister ship. Gonna keep this character in reserve for now. [hider=Ning Hai] [center][h1][color=a187be]Ning Hai - Ning Hai-class Light Cruiser[/color][/h1] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/community-plaza/images/9/94/Tenma_Tsukamoto_-_塚本天満.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1217?cb=20160425035832[/img][/center] [color=a187be]Mental Model:[/color] Ning Hai's mental model has long black hair reaching down to her lower back and soft grey eyes. Ning Hai wears a high school uniform. The reason for this is Ning Hai wanted to wear a 'sailor outfit' for her mental model, being a ship and all, but got sidetracked with 'sailor-inspired school uniforms', and then got even further sidetracked when she wanted to pick a school uniform closer to the age of her mental model's appearance. [color=a187be]Personality:[/color] Bubbly and friendly, Ning Hai is sure of herself, but unable to back up that confidence. She is ditzy, distracted, and easily discouraged, bordering on lazy. She tends to believe that things will work out with minimal effort so difficult obstacles can be daunting for her. She can be brash and reckless, due not to bravado, but to an overwhelming sense of ignorant optimism. She is heavily reliant on her sister for emotional support and combat support, though she is unaware of the fact, and smugly takes credit for team victories. [color=a187be]Backstory:[/color] Ning Hai and Ping Hai were ships in the Far East Continental Fleet, which patrolled the eastern coast of the Asian continent, leaving control of the Pacific to the First and Second Oriental Fleets. A few major incidents happened to Ning Hai. The first was during a skirmish against human forces, Ping Hai, overeager to prove herself, fell into a trap and was lured to the coast, where she started getting hit by land forces. Her retreat was rapidly being cut off by encircling enemy ships, but Ning Hai rushed in recklessly, opening a path for her sister to escape. This earned Ning Hai her sister's undying loyalty. The second incident involved the aftermath of a major battle. Ning Hai and Ping Hai were ordered to guard a battleship undergoing repairs, while the rest of the fleet planned an attack against human forces. Unfortunately, they were discovered by the enemy, and Ning Hai and Ping Hai were unable to fend them off. This resulted in the fleet halting their maneuver and saving Ning Hai, Ping Hai, and the battleship they were supposed to protect. This finally resulted in the two sister ships being chided as worthless, and pushed onto the Oriental Fleet, hoping that the main fleet could make something of these two. In the Oriental Fleet, the two were treated quite poorly, and were even given different names, Ioshima for Ning Hai, and Yasoshima for Ping Hai. The poor treatment greatly demotivated Ning Hai, who eventually complained to Ping Hai, and mentioned how she had heard rumors of a rogue fleet. Dragging Ping Hai along, Ning Hai went ahead with their escape plan. Their escape was discovered, and the Fleet gave chase but a storm blew in. While it did help the sisters escape the fleet, unfortunately, they were separated. Now Ning Hai is lost at sea, hoping to reunite with her sister and locate the Phantom Fleet. [color=a187be]Extra:[/color] [hider=Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk4Xa4BBLok[/youtube][/hider][/hider]