No. No. No. Nobody touched Dustbringer. Nobody threw Dustbringer to the ground. Nobody, [i]nobody[/i] [i][b]nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody [h3]"NOBODY TOUCHES MY AXE, NOBODY HANDLES DUSTBRINGER!"[/h3][/b][/i] The once-paladin let out a banshee like screech at the offence that this filthy, disgusting, marauding, crying, beastly orc! Wait, crying? Her anger was still at the front of her body, pouring out of every pore of her body, seemingly radiating from her- she was a physical ball of nothing but rage, but it was mixed, diluted by a potent dose of confusion and befuddlment. What orc [i]cried?[/i] No! It was a trick! A trap! A way to get her to lower her mind. Tilting her head back, she let out another scream, but this one held sense to it, her vocal cords twisting themselves and grating themselves raw as she shouted out a war cry at the top of her voice. It was a pained, screaming noise that echoed around the street, a discordant noise that should have had no reason to come from a human mouth. [h2][i][b]AH-KLOYORAAAA![/b][/i][/h2] She no longer cared about such petty things as 'money' or 'dignity.' She cared even less about 'humanity' and 'sanity' She cared only that this vile offence by a treacherous, underhanded [i]swine[/i] would not go unpunished. She launched herself at the greenskin with his hand up, the metal-shod edge of her shield aimed for his skull.