So, what happens is a thing. GordothToday at 7:59 PM !roll 1d20 - I roll for Galdari, as she initiates the action GuildBotBOTToday at 7:59 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 16 GordothToday at 7:59 PM !roll 1d20 - I roll for Orky, as he reacts to the action GuildBotBOTToday at 7:59 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 14 Meaning [@Lady Selune] manages to hit [@OrkytheOrc], because she is faster. Let's see if you can force the shield and hit Orky really hard! GordothToday at 7:59 PM !roll 1d20 - Rolling for Galdari, as she is the initiator. That's plus her strength, GuildBotBOTToday at 7:59 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 16 GordothToday at 7:59 PM !roll 1d20 - Rolling for Orky, that's plus his Endurance. GuildBotBOTToday at 7:59 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 14 EDIT: The actual rolls are the following: !roll 1d20 - Galdari GuildBotBOTToday at 8:02 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 7 GordothToday at 8:02 PM !roll 1d20 - Orky GuildBotBOTToday at 8:02 PM @Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 18 So Orky gets hit hard. He gets injured, the skin cracks and he starts to bleed, but the skull doesn't suffer much damage. It hurts, and he gets a little dazed. But he can react. [@Lady Selune] ; [@OrkytheOrc]