[@Lucius Cypher] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5hMGE3YWMuVW05NUlFUjFibU5oYmcsLC4wAAAA/adine-kirnberg.regular.png[/img][/center] Roy had wandered the streets of the streets of Brighthaven, or more accurately, what was left of the town. The town was devoid of life...at least that's what Roy assumed. Bodies were scattered everywhere, some seemed to even belonged to adventurers. The thought of scavenging maps and other supplies entered his mind as he walked past the numerous remains of both townsfolk and would be adventurers. He frowns deeply and casts away the thoughts of plundering items from the dead, it was something Roy considered below him. It was then he heard the sounds of what he could assume were from a musical instruments of sorts. The cheery music was something completely out of place in this dead town. [color=orange]'Hmmm...It would appear that I am not alone in this accursed place.'[/color] Roy pondered as he walked toward the source of the music. Soon discovering a small group of three individuals. [color=orange]'Adventurers maybe?'[/color] He notices that the group was observing something further, past the half-ork and the dragonborn. Roy sneered in disgust at the sight of what the adventurer carrying the strange instrument called a 'Troglodyte'. They seemed primitive, if not out right barbaric in nature. Not even willing to cook the meat of the diseased ocean giant they were so merrily feasting on. Roy would stay hidden away from the group to observe if their nature was one of the friendlier ones. He was not unfamiliar with working with mercenaries and adventurers, but it was better to be sure that these individuals were to greet him if he shows himself or charge at him with weapons drawn. [hider=Clicky] No rolls done this turn [/hider]