Hearing Luke correctly identify her irrational fear of 'men in white coats' was much more embarrassing than she had anticipated. Rhiane had done what she believed to be an excellent job concealing the fear thus far; as far as she was aware no one had noted her apprehension towards the pillars of the medical profession until now. Her unwavering courage in all the trials of the contest had undoubtedly led the palace staff, the royal council, and the nation at large to believe there was nothing that could frighten the princess elect. There were no animals that made her panic, her morbidity meant that neither the prospect of injury nor death itself evoked terror, and she had shown no reluctance for common fears such as heights, drops, or total darkness. Truth be told she was more uneasy and distrusting than scared- but she wanted nothing more than to retreat to her shower in peace. Had it not been for the crown prince guiding her into the room with his hand on her back she might have made a quick apology and fled. "It is nice to meet you Dr. Gulsvig," she said pleasantly. It would have been even nicer to meet him, however, were her proverbial hand not being forced into an unnecessary consultation. Unfortunately Luke was absolutely convinced the interview could not proceed until her health was reviewed by a professional. Not only was the older male just as stubborn as she was, he held considerably more power, and the dynamic of their relationship would not allow her to evade his wishes at this time. Rhiane took some solace in the fact the information at the doctor's fingertips was not as comprehensive as he might like. The former farmer had taken all her legally required vaccinations, had yearly check-ups until she was five, and then did not see a physician save for a couple times until she was a teenager. In the pivotal years of puberty she had taken a single mandated test for her vulnerability to the contagion that infected her mother and brother; after the results of that were found to be negative, indicating a resistance to the disease, she had become a veritable ghost. Years had passed without another evaluation until the contest. Nothing in her records indicated that she was in poor health, but if one were to read between the lines they could surmise that she either was never unwell or avoided practitioners for her own reasons. The words 'military-grade torture device' and the enthusiasm Dr. Gulsvig had for the technology sent chills up her spine that had no basis in the room's temperature. While he had seemed congenial enough, his curiosity about their side effects from the implants, as well as Luke's migraines (which she was just now learning existed), were not making the best first impression. It was all too easy for Rhiane to imagine him among the throng of nurses and doctors studying deadly infections with detachment towards the victims and thrill towards scientific discoveries. "There is not much to tell about the engagement ball that wasn't on broadcast," she said carefully, answering the the question posed to her first. "After my unfortunate and premature departure from last night's festivities, I am sure you can appreciate how imperative it is that I not only have my interview tonight, but that I avoid delaying it further. I concede that I had an adverse reaction to this afternoon's trip but dinner has bolstered my strength and I am sure by tomorrow morning I will be completely recovered." Two things were immediately evident by Rhiane's disposition. Luke was casual and direct with the older gentleman in front of them, but Rhiane spoke with more formality. It was unclear if this was because she had seen doctors herself so infrequently that she didn't converse with them freely or if it was a reflection of his elevated status. It was similarly clear that she was so anxious about the reception from the queen, and so aware of the precarious position she held as princess elect, that there was little incentive to be forthright with anyone in the room. Luke could very well criticize her perceived weakness, it could be recorded and conveyed to the monarch as reason for her dismissal, and it could be utilized to cancel an essential public image engagement. When Rhiane felt cornered into a no-win scenario she did what any other individual felt apt to do: shut down to minimize the damage.