[center][img]https://preview.ibb.co/j77OV9/B43_F31_ED_CF37_488_B_B726_6_EF214878_E41.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Hello, Welcome, and thanks for your time![/b][/center] For some time now I’ve been juggling around a concept about a Skyrim Roleplay specifically centered around the Dark Brotherhood. This Roleplay will tell the story of the Brotherhood after the assassination of Emperor Titus Mede the Second, post quest [u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Hail_Sithis!]“Hail Sithis”[/url][/u]. The Listener attempts to rebuild the Dark Brotherhood, while the [u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Penitus_Oculatus]Penitus Oculatus[/url][/u] refuels their efforts of searching out and destroying the Brotherhood under new leadership, Commander Marius Grakkus. Players have two paths to choose from, you may role as a Dark Brotherhood Initiate, freshly trained and equipped, awaiting your first contract, [b]or[/b], you may role as a Penitus Occulatus agent, recently assigned to Commander Grakkus. I must add that this Roleplay will more or less contain elements from my last Dark Brotherhood playthrough. (Which wasn’t too long back actually.) Don’t worry though, none of it is anything too drastic. Below is a list of my “add-ons” that will be in play during the RP. [center][b]CUSTOM ADD-ONS[/b] [hider=+] • The Listener is a female Dunmer/Dark Elf named Aleera, whom will be introduced further on down. •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Jenassa]Jenassa[/url][/u] is a member of the Dark Brotherhood, recruited by The Listener just after Titus Mede’s death, •Cicero was spared and acts as Keeper for the Night Mother. •The Listener holds in her possession [u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Mehrunes%27_Razor_(Skyrim)]Mehrune’s Razor[/url][/u]. •The civil war rages on, the Stormcloak’s and Empire deadlocked in harsh combat. •The [u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Spectral_Assassin_(Skyrim)]spectral assassin[/url][/u] was released from Aleera’s service and binded to the [u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dawnstar_Sanctuary]Dawnstar Sanctuary[/url][/u] to act as it’s guardian. (As well as overwatch for Aleera.) •The dragons are gone, driven off by the Dragonborn months ago. •No official DLC’s are not factored into this Roleplay, i.e “Dawnguard”, “Dragonborn”, or “Heartfire”. •The ancient shrouded armor was never recovered. (I feel that’ll make a nice side-quest or maybe a test given by The Listener.) •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Gulum-Ei]Gulum-Ei[/url][/u] is a fence and personal contact for Aleera, during her days with the Riften Thieves Guild. •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Mallus_Maccius]Mallus Maccius[/url][/u] is also a contact and fence of Aleera’s. [/hider] [/center] The RP itself will mostly be plotted along with original quests, characters, and locations, aside from the occasional canon material. The only canon quests that will be employed within this RP will be minor and Daedric quests, and they will be slightly spoofed to avoid redundancy from the game. I’m hoping to make this RP very diverse in characters, quests, and overall direction. This is more of a concept-idea rather than a complete and finalized RP. I’m asking for feedback, suggestions, ideas, notes of interest, constructive criticism, and any other helpful input. While I realize fandoms can be iffy here on RP Guild, I also realize Skyrim fans are abundant and wide, and the Dark Brotherhood is s very popular element of The Elder Scrolls. Hopefully I can amass a following of interest to bring this to life. Below you will find a brief summary and backstory of [b]Aleera Verundi[/b], the current Listener for the Dark Brotherhood, as well as a listing of current Brotherhood members. [b]Again, thank you for your time and I hope this peaks your interest! :D[/b] [center][b]ALEERA VERUNDI, THE LISTENER OF THE DARK BROTHERHOOD[/b] [hider=+] [img]https://image.ibb.co/mr0NQ9/E0_E032_A2_08_C8_4_D8_C_AF69_1_A53_AD0_BF295.png[/img] Aleera Verundi, age unknown, originally hailed from Cyrodil, having been born in the Imperial City. Much of Aleera’s past remains secluded, unknown. She spent most of her life as a lowlife in Cyrodil. Begging, pickpocketing, robbery, and theft were her trades of life back home. Aleera was an acclompished sneak thief and cut-purse, and knew her way around weapons, fancying a pair of sleek daggers, which slit more than a few throats. She was also a skilled archer, and was in prime physical shape as well. In 201 4E, not long after Alduin the World Eater destroyed Helgen, Aleera found herself at the gates of Riften, and was soon after recruited by the Riften Thieves Guild. She performed beyond expected, never failing a job and earning the Guild a fair sum of coin. Aleera was with the guild for several months, until an internal struggle broke loose, and Aleera left Riften behind to start anew. Aleera spent several weeks pulling jobs on her own. At one point, she found herself in Whiterun, where she met Jenassa, a headstrong and bloodthirsty fellow Dunmer. Aleera saw potential in Jenassa and recruited her as a partner. The two pulled numerous jobs together over the course of months. The robbery of the Markarth treasury, the grand string of larceny in Falkreath, and the heist of Dragonsreach in Whiterun were all their work, and soon they had amassed a sum of loot in their hideaway. At one point during this time, Aleera gained possession of Mehrune’s Dagger, or Mehrune’s Razor as it was also called, betraying the man who helped her find and reforge it and robbing his estate, after killing him. When word got out that someone was looking for the Dark Brotherhood in Windhelm, Aleera went to investigate. When met by a young boy seeking to have the abusive head of the orphanage in Riften murdered, Aleera initially laughed this off metaphorically. She took the job however, killing Grelod the Kind of Honorhall orphanage. Despite the shoddy payment by the boy, Aleera was satisfied by the killing. She had always had a bloodlust deep within, like her counterpart Jenassa. Soon after, the Dark Brotherhood came calling, and Aleera found herself offered a position within their family. Aleera took the offer without a hesitation, parting ways with Jenassa and joining the murderous cult of Sithis. [b](OOC: The events of the Dark Brotherhood questline, which I’d rather not type from beginning to end.)[/b] [b]DARK BROTHERHOOD FOREVER[/b] After the death of Emperor Titus Mede the Second, Aleera took it upon herself to rebuild the Dark Brotherhood and reconstruct the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Dawnstar. Not long after the sanctuaries’ refurbishing, Aleera came across her old partner, Jenassa, and invited her to join the Dark Brotherhood. Jenassa agreed without hesitation. Aleera now resides in the Sanctuary predominantly, remaining vigil and ever-attentive to the voice of the Night Mother. She guides the Brotherhood and voices the commands of Sithis and the Night Mother, while wielding Mehrune’s dagger and the Blade of Woe as her symbols of authority and power. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] •Darth Brotherhood Mage’s Robe •Shrouded Hood •Shrouded Boots •Shrouded Gloves •Ring of Major Stamina •Amulet of Minor Stamina [b][u]Weapons[/u][/b] •Blade of Woe, Mehrune’s Razor (Dual Wielded) •Ebony Bow •Orcish Arrows [b][u]Active Effects[/u][/b] •Invisibilty (Guardian Stone) [b][u]Magic[/u][/b] •Sparks •Healing •Fast Healing •Healing Hands •Steadfast Ward •Invisibilty •Stoneflesh •Lightning Bolt •Flames •Fire Bolt [/hider] [b]CURRENT ACTING MEMBERS OF THE DARK BROTHERHOOD[/b] [hider=+] •Aleera Verundi •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Nazir]Nazir[/url][/u] •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Babette]Babette[/url][/u] •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Cicero]Cicero[/url][/u] •[u][url=http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Jenassa]Jenassa[/url][/u] [/hider] [/center]