[b][center][h2]Joel Nicolosi[/h2][/center][/b] Joel snickered a little at her comment. “I mean, I can still turn around if that’s how you feel.” He said double-clutching the shifts to save on the Jeep’s old transmission as they moved along. Glancing over he couldn’t help but let himself laugh at the news of his little naming contest win with the Sol City Zoo. “Someone at the zoo apparently has a sense of humor.” He said with a chuckle. “I won some kind of private tour, but I think I’m gonna just donate it to the Y or something, let them take the kiddies.” He turned into a fairly low-key, chain restaurant that his parents liked to frequent and he knew would be clean and prompt. “Me and you will never have time to get over there anyway.” Joel glanced around as he got out. He liked Western Shore. It was peaceful and free of drama. The Jeep blended in well with the other common vehicles and he helped her jump down steadying her against a slick spot in the parking lot. Joel tossed his black team jacket into the booth as they were seated. Thermal lined and with the neon-orange [i]R[/i], the Volkswagen logo and a few others, it was nicer than any of his other mix of branded apparel, but he had to admit to himself that he was a [i]little[/i] proud to wear it. It felt good to be a part of something bigger for a change. He thought a few people recognized him as they walked in, but no one had said anything and he was thankful. Since the gossip column he’d reluctantly decided to indulge had put him back in the media again. Rally racing wasn’t that popular in the US, which was one of the things that made it appealing to him, but for the rest of the world, it was a major form of motorsport, [i]which was also appealing[/i]. He pushed the menu aside already knowing what he wanted and glanced over at Sio in the dim evening ambient light. “So, the first race is gonna be in Jamaica.” He said speaking casually as if he were talking about the weather. He rested one arm up on his side of the booth. “You wanna come with, or are you gonna hang out here in the slush while I’m gone?” [@Almalthia]