[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6b/13/3e/6b133e4678baa31d63ab6902fb93b3a8--female-knight-pixiv.jpg[/img] [Color=silver]Name: Macy Vermillion Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Mage Background: Macy grew up in an average home with loving parents. As long as she could remember, Macy had been interested in death and life and the line in-between. She was an outcast in school, but it never bothered her much. One day, a girl her age pushed her way inside of Macy's bubble and became her friend. This young girl was bright and cheerful, and Macy liked the way she felt with her around. Then one day, her friend died in a car crash. Macy never knew what it was like to lose somebody before that moment. Now she keeps her distance from others to prevent that pain from ever happening again. She became a mercenary to find her place in the world - to find her purpose. Personality: Very quiet. Does not engage unless it interests her or is necessary. Tries never to show her emotions. Weapons: A belt with smoke bombs, and a rapier/dagger combo. Spells: Possession - Allows her to control up to 3 other living beings at once for up to 60 seconds at a time. Black Flame - Allows her to create and control a pitch black flame that creates poisonous fumes; otherwise it is just like regular fire. Misc: Macy tries not to use her magic unless necessary, due to her dark tendencies. She kills with purpose; she does not want to lose control.[/color]