I've been working thinking how I can make this into something good, into an actual chooseuownadventure thing that goes beyond "Tournament done! Go home, get rich/nothing!". It's been going well, I have re-read all our posts over a few times and an idea is taking shape. I have a route map ready so when you two are after the parts we've planned, things will really be up to the choices you both (and any other player who might join) make. But I have a buffer in case things go beyond what I really expected, that is to simply make things up as I go. College huh? Mmm sounds like a busy time, gotta find just the right place to stay or the next few years will be less than amusing. I stayed above a well known crack(?) smoking spot during my college years, how many times I had to jam the gates(and their vehicles) so those little kids go somewhere else to get high. XD. ...drunk/high ppl are always a nuisance. [@Spiffy]