[@Mr Rage] both of them look good! Did you have any idea on how Chester ended up at the Polytechnique Institute? They don't just accept [i]anyone[/i], and it's only in very select circles that its true nature is known :D Other than that, I've nothing else to add unless [@shylarah] has got stuff :) [@Majoras End] Loving her so far! <3 [@Amethyst] [@DracarysBitch] [@Avanhelsing] [@FallenTrinity] [@KZOMBI3] [@Scallop] [@Darth Shadow] [@Shadokat] [@buffykdh] just fyi that IC is starting tomorrow (Sunday) night, EST. You don't have to have characters done by then, just letting ya know <3 If there's anything you need at all, feel free to lmk!!!!