[@Silvan Haven][@Crimmy][@Abillioncats] [b]Silver Applegate - Vale - Civil War[/b] [color=Silver]"Yeah, thanks."[/color] Silver said to the seasoned hunter. He entered the dropship and put the shoulder bag containing his gear in the cargo compartment like Beryl did. He had opted to wear his protective suit in advance just in case. He took a seat and let out a big yawn, covering his mouth. He hadn't slept well the previous night from the tension of what their mission was going to be and he had the bags under his eyes to show it. He had fought grimm before, but not people, at least not outside of sparring sessions, and as much as he wished it all went smoothly he had a feeling bad things were going to happen. [color=Silver][i]"I hope I don't bring them down in my state..."[/i][/color] He thought as he looked at his teammates. Given that this'd be a long journey he hopped he could get some proper shuteye until then.