[@Rune_Alchemist] Uxie looked on patiently and still as Claire was surprised by it, looking at her and evaluating her. It stayed still as she scanned it numerous times, and had her reaction, including to her mission. It did not appear to react to being called a “squinty-eyed nerd looking thing”. Now, from Ralia’s perspective a bit. Uxie was still feeling unsure, when Claire went and reinforced that unsurety by talking like that. [color=#d3381c]"I gotta be honest here, Uxie. Not sure why you'd pick a noob trainer like myself for this sort of thing...[/color] … Here Uxie’s eyes suddenly opened wide and Claire froze mid-speech, unmoving. She had been wiped blank for a couple of seconds as Uxie changed its mind. Having done that, however, the unsurety got stronger in a way that felt like “wait, that doesn’t feel right either”. Uxie closed its eyes again and Claire continued talking like nothing had happened, because Claire had no idea Uxie had just wiped her memory for two seconds and then restored it. Uxie let her continue, showing absolutely no reaction to being patted [sub]and I have no idea how Uxie feels to touch[/sub], though Ralia could feel over there it wasn’t entirely comfortable with it. When Claire finished on a more positive note, however, Uxie seemed to have decided this was probably good after all. So, when Claire says she’ll give it her best shot… [color=f5d584]‘Uxie,’[/color] the Knowledge Pokémon replied, its big head nodding slightly to her, acknowledging her words. After that, it simply hovered where it was. As it informed her, it cannot leave here, so. At Ralia offering him flowers, Meganium looked at her for a bit. He then proceeded to take a bite out of the ground, spitting out the dirt to the side. He then took the bouquet of flowers with his mouth, pulling it and placing the flowers into the hole it had just bit out. It used its head to push the dirt back around the flowers, and then blew on them. The flowers used the breath of life a Meganium held to take root, becoming a little patch of live flowers in this field. Maganium didn’t look any further at Ralia after that. From the emotions, Ralia could feel that the damage had been mitigated and apology accepted, though she wasn’t entirely forgiven as Meganium was still suspicious of her. Meganium instead focused on the situation in front of them, with Claire, Uxie and Chikorita. __________________________ [@Old Amsterdam][@Gardevoiran][@Demon Shinobi] Now, Rhyperior’s kinda huge, two and a half meters tall and with those arms and tail even wider, but he offered his rocky arms to Alice and Skylar. Axl and Tank found that hugging Rhyperior was very much like hugging a living mountain, and so did Skylar a bit after. A mountain that appreciated the hug, at the very least. The huge rock with a drill on it smiled proudly at Axl’s statement of how cool he was. [color=ff961f]'Rhy!'[/color] Rhyperior called to Alice’s hopes for battle and fun in the future, and then looked after her as she was on her way out. He then grinned as well as a Rhyperior possibly could at that she’d win quickly and come in to give her company, lifting the “thumb” on his three-fingered hand in a way that somewhat resembled a thumbs-up, then let her move out with the rest, Rhyperior left standing where he was. [@Dusksong] Oaken turned towards Eryn as she approached him. Through his glasses he held an expressionless stare, looking her and Dei over for a second or so. He wasn’t didn’t have the same somewhat dark look that he had when he was speaking to Kalmia. Eventually he nodded. [color=7eab87]'Alright, you look agreeable enough. Let’s do it on the street, so in case your Charmander gets knocked over he doesn’t lit the grass on fire,'[/color] Oaken said, though that isn’t actually a danger for Charmanders so Eryn would not have to worry. He took a number of steps before retrieving a Pokéball from his clothes, looking towards Eryn as he stopped. [color=7eab87]'I’m Oaken, and I plan on defeating this League as efficiently as possible. … But that hardly matters right now.'[/color] Pokémon Trainer Oaken wants to battle! [color=7eab87]'C’mon, new partner. Show me what you got,'[/color] Oaken said in a calm and analyzing tone as he opened the ball in his hand, a flash of light as a purple creature took shape before him. One with claws and a long, poisonous tail… [color=606094]'Skorupi!'[/color] [center][url=https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/47/451Skorupi.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qf7MWe5.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #451 – Skorupi, the Scorpion Pokémon. It can be found in arid areas as well as in swamps. It is known to bury itself in sand and await its prey, after which the tail claws grips onto a target and injects poison. It tenaciously holds on until the poison has taken effect. It can live for a full year without food.[/i][/color][/center] [color=7eab87]'I don’t believe Charmander knows any fire-moves at this level, does he?'[/color] Oaken asked, looking between the Pokémon. [color=7eab87]'Fortunate, I would have been in trouble otherwise,'[/color] he said, and then flipped up his Pokédex to check Skorupi’s moves. After a bit of analyzing… [color=7eab87]'Poison Sting… is too risky. It requires chance to be on my side, to manage to poison the enemy. I will not rely on something so uncertain. Skorupi! Leer once, then Knock Off!'[/color] [color=606094]'Skorup!'[/color] the scorpion sounded out, before its blue eyes lit up, intending on shining out and lowering his opponent’s defences. Since all moves take roughly the same amount of time, except for without counting the time to cross the distance between the Pokémon, Eryn can make two commands too. She knows what Oaken has planned, as efficient as he is. What will she do? [@Old Amsterdam][@Gardevoiran] [color=607ebf]'Oh. Um. Good. Uh,'[/color] Simon started in response to Skylar’s statement, though was still left standing there somewhat dumbfounded. [color=607ebf]'Oh. Huh. Me and…?'[/color] Simon asked, blinking a bit overhearing the words of Alice and Skylar. [color=b5e6e2]'… Me,'[/color] Vivia filled in, walking to stand beside the smaller boy, working to overcome herself. Simon gave her a look-over, then grinned in determination, his vigour returning. [color=607ebf]'… Alright! We’ll be the very best team, like no team ever was!'[/color] he announced proudly, grabbing his Pokéball, and throwing. [color=607ebf]'Go, Simon #8!'[/color] he called, looking excitedly as the Pokéball opened wide and with a flash, an oblong tube of a creature inside a small bubble of simulated water took shape. [color=6ba0c2]'Barbo…?'[/color] the Pokémon looked about itself while her trainer opened his Pokédex to check something. [center][url=https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/60/339Barboach.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/6IpOtRR.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #339 – Barboach, the Whiskers Pokémon. It buries itself in mud with only its whiskers visible, awaiting prey. The whiskers are very sensitive and serve as a superb radar-system, giving it awareness of its surroundings. It is covered by a slimy film which prevents intrusion of germs and is very slippery if a foe tries to grab it.[/i][/color][/center] Meanwhile, Vivia took out her Pokéball from her bag that we’ll say she was carrying, and- She took a pause. She inspected the Pokéball in her hand, then she inspected her bag closely. Looking suspicious, she still decided everything seemed fine, and turned to face Alice and Skylar. [color=b5e6e2]'Alright, let’s go then!'[/color] she said, making a motion of lobbing the Pokéball. [color=b5e6e2]'Go, Scr-'[/color][color=f08159]'Rooo~!'[/color] There was two different flashes of light and one distressed wide-eyed expression on Vivia as one Pokémon came from the thrown Pokéball and the other came from her bag without any form of solicitation. From the thrown Pokéball came a yellow creature with big head with large white eyes and teeth, wearing its skin like oversized trousers, while in front of it a small armless orange spirit with blue eyes and an electric aura smiled brightly. [center][url=https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/dc/559Scraggy.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/3P9n7uh.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #559 – Scraggy, the Shedding Pokémon. It stretches its saggy skin up to its neck to protect itself, as it has a rubbery elasticity which reduces damage. They have a skull heavy enough to destabilize it, but it’s proud of its sturdiness and is known to headbutt anyone who makes eye-contact with it. They’re known to travel in small groups, where it gets more respect the saggier their skin.[/i][/color][/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c5/479Rotom.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/9Pymoa1.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #479 – Rotom, the Plasma Pokémon. Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to inhabit abandoned buildings. It is a mischievous Pokémon, known to possess machinery to play pranks and cause destruction. Its type changes depending on the machine it possesses.[/i][/color][/center] [color=b5e6e2]'ROTOM! NO! BACK!'[/color] Vivia called desperately, but Rotom was already out, turning and looking into the eyes of Scraggy. Scraggy blinked a bit, noting the eyes of Rotom before it… and had the predictable reaction. [color=f7ce74]'SCRAGGY!'[/color] the yellow Pokémon announced, promptly thrusting its head at Rotom, and predictably fell straight through the giggling ghost-type which drifted away unharmed. Scraggy scrambled to get onto its feet and then charged after Rotom… who was leading it away from the battlefield. [color=b5e6e2]'STOP IT! BAD ROTOM! BACK!'[/color] Vivia grabbed the ghost-type’s Pokéball and dashed after the fleeing Pokémon, which was an expert at dodging Vivia’s attempts to return it to its Pokéball while leading Scraggy away… Meanwhile, Simon wasn’t even noticing, just staring into his Pokédex with a grin. [color=607ebf]'There… finally…'[/color] Simon spoke, before thrusting his Pokédex into the air with triumph. [color=607ebf]'I FINALLY HAVE A POKÉMON WITH AN ATTACK MOVE!'[/color] [color=607ebf]'First I was given a Hoppip (#2), but it only knew Synthesis! So first thing I did, I went oceanside fishing, and caught a Magikarp (#3)! Of course, that one only knew Splash, but I had it Struggle until I could catch a Wailmer (#4)! But, IT ONLY KNEW SPLASH AND GROWL! Then I headed into Infested Woods instead and caught a Burmy (#5), BUT IT ONLY KNEW PROTECT! Then I somehow fell down into a hole into some form of vast underground, where I met this cool Cubone (#6) which I caught, BUT IT ONLY KNEW GROWL AND TAIL WHIP! I climbed out into the Silent Forest, where I met this cute little Ralts (#7) that I convinced to join me, BUT IT ONLY KNEW GROWL! Finally, FINALLY I’ve come back here and #8 FINALLY has a damaging move! Finally, FINALLY!'[/color] Simon proceeded to point his Pokédex at Skylar and Seabreeze excitedly. [color=607ebf]'I hope you’re ready! Because me and #8 are going to Mud-Slap your bird into-'[/color] Simon suddenly paused, his excitement frozen. [color=607ebf]'Mud-Slap your bird into…'[/color] He brought his Pokédex back in front of him to read. [color=607ebf]'Mud-Slap…'[/color] Then he looked at Seabreeze. [color=607ebf]'Bird…'[/color] Simon proceeded to look back and forth a couple of times. [color=607ebf]'Oh, you gotta be kidding me.'[/color] Somewhere in the background, Jacques had to walk back into the lab a bit to not laugh out loud at the expense at his hopeful. A second or so of contemplating life afterwards Simon spun to look after Vivia in desperation. [color=607ebf]'VIVIA! I NEED SCRAGGY’S HEADBUTT!'[/color] Vivia had just precisely managed to grab onto Scraggy, lifting him away from Rotom and holding one arm for Scraggy to stand on and another covering Scraggy’s eyes so that he didn’t see Rotom abusing his headbutting instincts. [color=b5e6e2]'Scraggy doesn’t know Headbutt yet!'[/color] she called back, walking back with a Rotom giggling and pestering around her. [color=607ebf]'What do you mean, “doesn’t know Headbutt”!? The Pokédex clearly states he headbutts anything that looks at him, and he just tried to do it on Rotom!'[/color] [color=b5e6e2]'He [i]tries[/i] to Headbutt, but it becomes Struggle, he can’t do it properly! His only attack right now is Low Kick!'[/color] [color=607ebf]'Low K- That’s also bad against the bird!'[/color] [color=b5e6e2]'I’m sorry, but I can’t help those things!'[/color] [color=f08159]'Roootom~!'[/color] Rotom called in unhelpfully, trying to cause Scraggy to go after him, which he would have had not Vivia held onto him. [color=b5e6e2]'Oh, you little-'[/color] Vivia then let go of Scraggy, who blinked in surprise as he fell down and fell over on the ground because of the lack of balance in his body due to too heavy a head, and Vivia then grabbed another Pokéball and threw into the ground between her and Rotom. A purple furrball with antennas and red eyes popped out. [color=938fbf]'Venonat!'[/color] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ad/048Venonat.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/r9tTI8C.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #48 – Venonat, the Insect Pokémon. Its many small eyes function like radars and detect insects at night which it eats. A coat of thin, stiff hair that oozes poison covers its body for protection. Its eyes are capable of shooting beams and enable psychic powers. It's attracted to light.[/i][/color][/center] [color=b5e6e2]'Venonat! Foresight!'[/color] [color=938fbf]'Ven!'[/color] Venonat focused her eyes, and a red glow emitted from it, focusing on Rotom. Rotom felt an odd change on him as he was identified. [color=f08159]'Rom?'[/color] he asked, before Vivia suddenly came flying with a full round-house kick into the ghost’s face, the kick sending a pulse of loud impact-energy through the area and sending the ghost flying way over multiple buildings towards an infinite horizon. [color=f08159]'ROOOOOOOOoooooootoooo[sub]oooooooommm...[/sub]'[/color] … One could then swear a small flashing star where Rotom vanished into the sky. [color=b5e6e2]'I’m sorry about that, let’s continue before he comes back…'[/color] she said, placing back her apparently really strong leg back onto the ground and turning back towards Alice and Skylar, breathing out while Scraggy looked back at her in slight confusion. [color=b5e6e2]'We’re facing those two,'[/color] Vivia said to Scraggy as the little yellow Pokémon was finally put to face the right opponents, and it called out excitedly. [color=f7ce74]'Scraggy!'[/color] [color=607ebf]'Alright! We’re ready!'[/color] Simon announced, not sure about their chances, but nonetheless determined. Pokémon Trainers Simon and Vivia wants to battle! [color=607ebf]'What moves do you have!?'[/color] Simon asked sideways at Vivia. [color=b5e6e2]'Um. Leer, Low Kick and Sand Attack,'[/color] Vivia answered, taking a moment between keeping the info to herself or letting Simon know. Simon grinned. [color=607ebf]'Great! Give them your best Leer! Be the best Leerer, like no-one has ever Leered! Meanwhile, #8! Mud Slap at the Horsea!'[/color] [color=b5e6e2]'Erk. Okay. Scraggy! Leer!'[/color] Vivia didn’t look entirely comfortable being ordered around, but agreed with the plan. [color=6ba0c2]'Barboach!'[/color] [color=f7ce74]'Scraaag!'[/color] Both Pokémon sounded out as the Barboach started swimming through the air for Cici while Scraggy stood back to focus its Leer at the two opposing Pokémon. So, what would Skylar and Alice do? [@Demon Shinobi] Rodger turned to Axl, his eyes showing a hint of interest in his challenge. Rodger smirked wide, and closed his eyes for a bit. [color=9e8d77]'Heh, fine by me. I do have a stronger team, but right now I’m limited to using this Pokémon I just received. … That said, you might find this fairly challenging, but not because of reasons you could have known beforehand,'[/color] Rodger said, his eyes trailing over Tank as the trainer was taking up his Pokéball and preparing for battle. Pokémon Trainer Rodger wants to battle! [color=9e8d77]'Alright, here’s the challenge for you. Let’s go, Spike!'[/color] Rodger said, throwing out his Pokéball into the air, and with a flash, a round metal ball with green spikes sticking out from all sides took shape… [color=458056]'Ferrrrro…'[/color] [center][url=https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/28/597Ferroseed.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/bST8cfl.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][i]Pokédex Entry #597 – Ferroseed, the Thorn Seed Pokémon. Living in caves, they stick their spikes into the walls or ceiling to absorb the minerals in the rock, mainly iron. In case it is threatened it shoots out a barrage of spikes in its defense, after which it rolls away to safety.[/i][/color][/center] [i]Notable Ability;[/i] Iron Barbs - Does damage to those who make contact with this Pokémon. [color=9e8d77]'… Yupp. That’s your current situation. I’m just going to go ahead and start out with Harden. Harden, Spike!'[/color] Rodger said, smiling confidently. [color=458056]'Feeerrro…'[/color] Spike sounded out, starting to prepare to harden up. … It was ferociously slow, though. What would Axl and Tank do? [color=82c6cf]'… Ferroseed? At this level where most Pokémon only know Scratch or Tackle?'[/color] Kalmia asked, looking with a raised eyebrow at Jacques beside her. [color=EF284F]'It is, however, slow, and fairly vulnerable to those who can damage it, I plan for it to challenge Rodger to think,'[/color] Jacques simply explained, having returned from the lab. Kalmia didn’t look like she was buying it, frowning before looking to Axl and Tank, a bit worried.