Not too long after the argument with her father, a maid entered the room where Helena was, looking at her. "Mrs. Rivers?" The maid asked, causing Helena to look up and sigh softly. "Like big said before, you don't have to call me like that, just my first name would be good. But anyway, what is it?" Helena asked. "Your bodyguard has arrived." The maid announced, causing Helena to get up and follow her to where they let the bodyguard wait. The house was rather big, but the maids and Helena herself knew the way. Helena still didn't like the idea of a bodyguard, but had accepted the fact that she would be having one, and that there was nothing she could do about it. She supposed she might as well not make it any more difficult for the bodyguard to be around her all day, or at least not on purpose. When they had arrived in the room where her bodyguard was, Helena looked at him for a while. Somehow he looked familiar, but it took her a moment to figure out what was exactly so familiar about this man. When she finally thought she realised it, she got a surprised look on her face, and a moment she was quiet in disbelief. "Leo?" She asked carefully, to make sure it was him. After all it had been years since the last time they saw each other, and who knew how much he had changed by then. Even if this man looked like her childhood friend, it was still possible that he wasn't who she thought he was.