After entering the inn, Allysse looked behind her to see if Vesania had followed. She was surprised to see Vesania was completely dry. Allysse wasn't soaked herself, but her hair and clothes were thoroughly dampened. "Wow, you got lucky, huh? You're dry as a bone," she chuckled. Just then, a man in fancy armour walked into the inn. Even though the innkeeper had addressed her first, the man went in front of her and got a room for himself. Allysse was a bit taken aback, but waited for him to finish and then talked to the innkeeper and got a room for herself. Wielding her room key, she turned to Vesania and said, "You should probably be heading home right? I mean, I wouldn't mind staying in your company for longer, but I figured you must have other stuff to do and I'm just sucking up your time."