[i]"A’ight, we’re gonna start ‘ith the legend, and eve’ though I know you know it, ou’re gonna sit down and shut up while I says it, cause this time it’s got a twist endin’ I thin’ you’ll ‘preciate. Time was, long ago, there ain’t nothin’ in the whole damn world. Nothing, cept’ these lil’ tiny sprites we call Juun. Now these Juun are worthless lil’ babbles, cept this one who we now call ‘The First’.The First, outta nowhere seems like, became aware that it existed. N’ just like that, it was alive. N’ this little critter woke up to discover a big empty place with nothin’ but other, mindless Juun floatin’ around. But now that The First was all woke, e’ took it upon m’self - yes, m’ callin’ it a he, s’ my story not yours - he took it on m’self to bully all the other Juun into doin’ what he wanted. With lil’ Juun he could make lil’ things, like a rock or a cat. Big Juun let m’ make big things, like planets n’ stars. Before long The First ‘ad made a whole universe, n’ buggered off to let it do it’s own thing. Thin’ is, he wasn’ able to use up all the Juun before he left. There was still some floatin’ around, and if you manage to get your hands on it, you can make stuff just as easy as The First. Stumble upon a speck, ya could replace a stolen knife. Stagger into a chunk, you got a fancy new mansion. N’ if you’re anything like the ol’ Pig King, you’ll stagger into a load so large you can make yourself your own country to rule. Now quit rollin’ your eyes at me, because this ere’ is where things get interestin’. There’s this town, see, way up north, right on the shore of the Ink Sea, the kind of where folks don’t got no steam-scythes to do their farmin’. Couple weeks ago, they send some kid down to complain, see, says a whole bunch of rats suddenly show up… but they don’t cause no trouble. They just pop in, run straight to the shore, and swim like mad to some shadow in the sea. Someplace ain’t nobody’s seemed to notice before. As if an island just appeared overnight, yeah? And after the rats, the local pigs make a go for it, then the dogs, then the cows… yeah, the people are starvin and all but we ain’t here about that. No, here’s what we’re interested in: the place is apparently swimming in Juun. Like, it’s covered with the damn stuff. And there are lots of prospectors who have been grabbin’ their weapons and charting off to this island to, heh, strike their fortune. Don’t let the fact none of em’ have ever returned scare you off. M’ sure that just means there’s still lots of Juun to go around. And I says, I says it’s time you and me stake our claim, yeah? I’m makin’ a crew, and I want you on board. We each get a fair cut, we each take 's much as we can, and we make off like kings. I’ll even supply the steamboat. So whatta say, pal? You in?” [/i] [b]What is it:[/b] A steampunk low-fantasy adventure with a small party of players who have to work together to survive a mysterious and twisted isle, while making sure their companion's knives keep out of their backs. [b]Who can you play:[/b] The world is open enough that you can be just about anyone, with any sort of steampunk-style tech you can imagine. You can start with a bit of Juun but not too much. You can invent any races you like. World-building will be a collaborative affair. [b]How it'll work:[/b] I'll play a character (not strictly the guy in the intro) and will have minor-GM powers for the sake of communicating big things on the island. Beyond that it'll be collaborative. Anyway. Anyone interested?