"Don't threaten me, you cur!" Growled Cunkuu as his other, relaxed hand reached for the sword strapped to his back. He took great offense to being referred to as 'boy'. On top of that, this one did not answer his question in a way convenient for the young man. Without much thought put into it, led on blindly by his emotional outburst, Cunkuu raised his right arm and parted the fingers of his fist, revealing a small sphere of whirling air, which was vibrating at intense speeds. Smoke started coming off the sphere and eventually a combustion occurred, setting the object on fire, creating a fireball. "If you won't willingly teach me, then I will beat the knowledge out of you and take it as my own!" Shouted the young man and flung the sphere of flame. It flew towards the older man as fast as a hawk would dive from the air towards a mouse in the fields. If it connected, it would sear his skin and set his clothing on fire, potentially removing skin and muscle in an area as large as a plate.